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Today, I receive all God’s love for me. Today, I open myself to the unbounded, limitless, overflowing abundance of God’s Universe. Today, I open myself to your Blessings, healing and miracles.Today, I open myself to God’s Word so that I become more like Jesus Everyday. Today, I proclaim that I’m God’s Beloved, I’m God’s Servant, I’m God’s powerful champion, And because I am blessed, I will bless the world, In Jesus Name, Amen.

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The Great Wall of China in Mutianyu

The Great Wall of China is referred to in Mandarin as Wanli Changcheng (10,000-Li Long Wall or simply very long wall) BEIJING, CHINA- S...

Sunday, April 10, 2016

1st European Motor Show in the Philippines

1st European Motor Show in the Philippines

2016 marks the first ever Euro Motor show in the Philippines. 

I am not really a car enthusiast but I am fascinated with European cars. Lamborghini, Ferrari, Porsche, Bentley, Fiat, Buggati, Rolls-Royce, Rover, Saab, Seat, Skoda, Volvo are only a few of the more famous ones I know. You could not deny the fact that European made cars are synonymous to good quality cars.  

The Euro cars of your dream will no longer stay as a dream because they're now available in the Philippines. Last March 11, 2016,  I had a rare opportunity to witness and feel how it is to ride some of them. And it did not disappoint!

Various kinds of European cars were on that car show!  

I know all of you car enthusiast out there will definitely recognized a good car when you see one.

My jaw dropped when I saw a gray Maserati car! I asked the lady in charge if I can try the Maserati and she said yes! I was so happy! For the first time in my life, I got to sit inside a #Maserati car and feel how it is to ride in a 30 million pesos car! ( I know, I can never own one, lol! ) At least one of my wildest dream came true!

This high-end luxury car has a spacious interior, genuine leather interior. This car is a four door sedan that has a very sporty look owing to the fact that it has very contemporary curves on the body’s exterior edges. From the front to the rear, you can't help but notice the well crafted tail lights and the beautifully pronounced rectangular shaped quad-tail pipes. These cars are made in Europe and offer fantastic value for your money. I bet that every year, Maserati land tons of awards for their overall quality. It has an utmost concern with the safety, design, and ingenuity. Some of us don’t give a hoot about fuel efficiency, and just want some uncompromising power. 

We did not only got to see the cars and motorcycle from Europe but we got the rare opportunity to ride some of 'em! 

#FirstEuroMotors2016 #EuroMotorsPH #EuroMotors #BGC #2016EuroMotors #Maserati

Thursday, March 31, 2016



#ClimateChange #GreenMan #BeAHealer, #DianaStalder, #DSCafe, #ecofriendly, #hashtagsronnie, #lotion, #matthiasgelber, #OrganicLotion, #ronniealonte, #StarMagic, #summer, #sunscreen, #thegreenman, #Pomegranate

I was so happy when I got an invitation to join Ms. Dina Stalder for her birthday and the launching of Diana Stalder's newest organic product line for summer! 

#ClimateChange #GreenMan #BeAHealer, #DianaStalder, #DSCafe, #ecofriendly, #hashtagsronnie, #lotion, #matthiasgelber, #OrganicLotion, #ronniealonte, #StarMagic, #summer, #sunscreen, #thegreenman, #Pomegranate

This newest endeavor was brought about by Ms. Dina Stalder's newest advocacy of living green! 

#ClimateChange #GreenMan #BeAHealer, #DianaStalder, #DSCafe, #ecofriendly, #hashtagsronnie, #lotion, #matthiasgelber, #OrganicLotion, #ronniealonte, #StarMagic, #summer, #sunscreen, #thegreenman, #Pomegranate

Introducing the new eco-friendly products of Diana Stalder just in time for summer #‎FruitySKINsationsKit‬:
  • Pomegranate Moisturizing Lotion
  • Shower Gel 
  • Body Scrub 
#ClimateChange #GreenMan #BeAHealer, #DianaStalder, #DSCafe, #ecofriendly, #hashtagsronnie, #lotion, #matthiasgelber, #OrganicLotion, #ronniealonte, #StarMagic, #summer, #sunscreen, #thegreenman, #Pomegranate

Diana Stalder's newest beautifying Summer ‎FruitySKINsations product line uses organic ingredients that is chemical free, so that means your beauty regimen will have less chemical interaction plus by doing so, you'll be helping our less fortunate small farmers in the countryside where the organic fruits were sourced from. 
#ClimateChange #GreenMan #BeAHealer, #DianaStalder, #DSCafe, #ecofriendly, #hashtagsronnie, #lotion, #matthiasgelber, #OrganicLotion, #ronniealonte, #StarMagic, #summer, #sunscreen, #thegreenman, #Pomegranate

It was a fun filled event! Because the Green is in! Ms. Dina invited the Greenman to hold a talk especially for us bloggers.  Yes, dear it is now the time for a green evolution to help rehabilitate Mother Earth.

#ClimateChange #GreenMan #BeAHealer, #DianaStalder, #DSCafe, #ecofriendly, #hashtagsronnie, #lotion, #matthiasgelber, #OrganicLotion, #ronniealonte, #StarMagic, #summer, #sunscreen, #thegreenman, #Pomegranate

Diana Stalder pampers like no other. Its product line continuously evolved through the years that I was not surprised anymore when they got the Green Man's services to teach its staff ways to save money on its day to day operation and to upcycle, yes, not just recycle. Many materials that we often discard and dispose of can be upcycle or recycle. Find ways to add value and use for the available material on hand. GreenMan showed us a pencil case made from a milk carton. He just sew on a zipper and voila, a pencil case is now available for your disposal!

#ClimateChange #GreenMan #BeAHealer, #DianaStalder, #DSCafe, #ecofriendly, #hashtagsronnie, #lotion, #matthiasgelber, #OrganicLotion, #ronniealonte, #StarMagic, #summer, #sunscreen, #thegreenman, #Pomegranate

The Green Man, Mr. Matthias Gelber is a German national who migrated to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to do his passion in life! That is to educate people about climate change and made as many people as possible to realize that we all need to do something in order to save mother earth. He encourages everyone to upcycle not only recycle. 

#ClimateChange #GreenMan #BeAHealer, #DianaStalder, #DSCafe, #ecofriendly, #hashtagsronnie, #lotion, #matthiasgelber, #OrganicLotion, #ronniealonte, #StarMagic, #summer, #sunscreen, #thegreenman, #Pomegranate

Little as it may seem, all of these little contribution are little steps that will have an impact in the long run. 

Just look at this MK ( opps not Michael Korrs but Made of Keyboard bag that DS staff made for her! It is beautiful!

#ClimateChange #GreenMan #BeAHealer, #DianaStalder, #DSCafe, #ecofriendly, #hashtagsronnie, #lotion, #matthiasgelber, #OrganicLotion, #ronniealonte, #StarMagic, #summer, #sunscreen, #thegreenman, #Pomegranate

We should be aware that each one of us are contributor to this so called climate change. The heat temperature nowadays is much stronger now with global warming slowly cooking us alive. 

#ClimateChange #Travelonshoestring #Green #GreenEarth

It is sad to note that there are many cases of heat stroke nowadays that sometimes resulted to death. If you love your children and your children's children, please pave the way to a better earth by doing your share.

#ClimateChange #GreenMan #BeAHealer, #DianaStalder, #DSCafe, #ecofriendly, #hashtagsronnie, #lotion, #matthiasgelber, #OrganicLotion, #ronniealonte, #StarMagic, #summer, #sunscreen, #thegreenman, #Pomegranate

TheGreenMan's message is clear. We, earthlings must learn to love our planet as much as we love our family because we only have one planet to live in. There is no planet B So we need to start now, right here, right now to save our planet. ( Unless, you have an Extra Terrestrial (ET) friend who would adopt you to his planet, ha ha ha!) 

#ClimateChange #GreenMan #BeAHealer, #DianaStalder, #DSCafe, #ecofriendly, #hashtagsronnie, #lotion, #matthiasgelber, #OrganicLotion, #ronniealonte, #StarMagic, #summer, #sunscreen, #thegreenman, #Pomegranate

I was the first recipient of the GreenMan's book (made from 100% recycled paper and vegetable ink ) during the activity when I answered 1000 watts as the equivalent consumption of 1 hp in wattage. Thank you Greenman and Ms. Dina for this book!

#ClimateChange #GreenMan #BeAHealer, #DianaStalder, #DSCafe, #ecofriendly, #hashtagsronnie, #lotion, #matthiasgelber, #OrganicLotion, #ronniealonte, #StarMagic, #summer, #sunscreen, #thegreenman, #Pomegranate, #ResponsibleConsumption

We also met the newest brand ambassadors of Diana Stalder (DS) - Hashtags Ronnie Alonte and StarMagics's PBB Teen Housemate Ylona Garcia ( not in picture because I was busy eating when she arrived. Lol! )

#ClimateChange #GreenMan #BeAHealer, #DianaStalder, #DSCafe, #ecofriendly, #hashtagsronnie, #lotion, #matthiasgelber, #OrganicLotion, #ronniealonte, #StarMagic, #summer, #sunscreen, #thegreenman, #Pomegranate, #ResponsibleConsumption

All in all,  everyone enjoyed the organic food and drinks they served at D.S.Cafe plus the wonderful knowledge about upcycling and mother Earth that the GreenMan has shared with us.

The GreenMan urges everyone to consider organic products and upcycling to help ease the problem of mother nature. Just like my ate Dindin, the GreenMan also hope that the Philippines will eventually have more concrete laws on going green and organic to help the small time farmers and SME's in the Philippines. 

#ClimateChange #GreenMan #BeAHealer, #DianaStalder, #DSCafe, #ecofriendly, #hashtagsronnie, #lotion, #matthiasgelber, #OrganicLotion, #ronniealonte, #StarMagic, #summer, #sunscreen, #thegreenman, #Pomegranate, #ResponsibleConsumption

The GreenMan said that every second that we waste electricity like leaving the lights on when nobody is using it, leaving our cellphone batteries that they overcharge, by not unplugging electrical appliances like television, laptops, refrigerators, air-con, etc. Please be aware that we do not just make our bills soar to its limit but we consume more energy that the climate in this world suffers. #ResponsibleConsumption

#ClimateChange #GreenMan #BeAHealer, #DianaStalder, #DSCafe, #ecofriendly, #hashtagsronnie, #lotion, #matthiasgelber, #OrganicLotion, #ronniealonte, #StarMagic, #summer, #sunscreen, #thegreenman, #Pomegranate #Timer

You could help by simply using timers, using appliances with inverter technology, using organic garments, upcycling your used tarpaulin and keyboard into bags and the like.

The small efforts to reuse and recycle will eventually stop the production of more non-biodegradable materials which destroys mother nature. 

One classic example is the story that the GreenMan shared that because of the high demand from groups that promotes green living, the cost of organic clothing had gone down in Malaysia. And he is positive that is possible also here in our country.

#ClimateChange #GreenMan #BeAHealer, #DianaStalder, #DSCafe, #ecofriendly, #hashtagsronnie, #lotion, #matthiasgelber, #OrganicLotion, #ronniealonte, #StarMagic, #summer, #sunscreen, #thegreenman, #Pomegranate, #ResponsibleConsumption

There is a big difference in the summer temperature we had growing up from the summer heat we are experiencing now. The change in our weather temperature, stronger typhoons, drought, the hole in our ozone layer that keeps on getting bigger, all of these are the end result of each one of us throwing trash from baby diapers, sanitary napkins, candy wrappers, plastics, trees are being cut down everyday to provide us with pencils & papers, destroying limestone to provide us with cement, mining all earth treasures, exhausting mother earth. All in the name of industrialization. Please remember this is the only planet we have, there is no planet B. Let yourself be the biggest change! Be a healer. Start upcycling ‪#‎Recycle‬ ‪#‎SaveMotherEarth‬ ‪#‎ClimateChange ‬‪#‎GreenFootprintsMovement‬ ‪#‎GreenMan‬

#ClimateChange #GreenMan #BeAHealer, #DianaStalder, #DSCafe, #ecofriendly, #hashtagsronnie, #lotion, #matthiasgelber, #OrganicLotion, #ronniealonte, #StarMagic, #summer, #sunscreen, #thegreenman, #Pomegranate, #ResponsibleConsumption

I am not perfect but I can try. How about you? Are you up to the challenge? Please share the valuable lessons that the greenman shared with us so we can help save the only planet that we have. Not only for out children but also for our children's children.

D.S.Cafe is located at B2 Gateway Mall Cubao Quezon City. For more information, visit and and follow @dianastalder on Twitter and Instagram for more updates. 

#DianaStalder, #DSCafe, #ecofriendly, #summer, #sunscreen, #PomegranateLotion, #matthiasgelber,  #hashtagsronnie, #ronniealonte, #thegreenman, #OrganicLotion



"Kagaya mo, balewala din sa akin yan sinasabi nilang climate change", ani Linda. Ano naman ang importance ng climate change na pinagsasabi nila sa akin?

Thousands, if not millions or even billions of people in this planet is unfortunately not aware of the problems that these climate change could bring us.

The past few years, we've been experiencing nasty weather events due primarily to the carbon footprints and various emissions and pollutants! We could not deny the fact that the increased in our temperatures is due to global warming!

While we'd like to think of climate change as a long-term global risk we can emotionally detach from, one should know of the general effects of the climate change in our one and only planet. 



The newly renovated Kia Theatre was formerly known as the New Frontier Theater. It is a multi-purpose events hall located at Araneta Center in Cubao, Quezon City, Metro Manila, the Philippines. It is just a few steps from Isetann Cubao.

I first heard about Kia Theater when I was invited for the Myx Awards night and then the second time was when we had a blogcon with Kim Chiu.

KIA Theater has around 3,500 seating capacity! Whew! It makes me wonder how can Kim Chiu will manage to jam-packed  the said venue for her concert entitled "Chinita Princess The FUNtasy Concert" on April 9, 2016. 

Yes! Friends to mark her 10th year in the showbiz industry Kim Chiu would be having a concert! “I may not be the best singer, I may not be the best dancer, but I promise to be the best that I can be. Sana po samahan niyo ako sa isang espesyal na gabi ng buhay ko as I celebrate my 10 years in the industry. Isang gabing puno ng SAYA at PASASALAMAT.”

I wish you the best Kim! You're a good soul that's why your fans loves you!

Thursday, March 17, 2016

PHILPOST: How to Apply For A Digitized Postal ID Card

PHILPOST: How to Apply For A Digitized Postal ID Card

Hey brother! Did you know that the Philippine Postal Corporation, or simply Philpost, recently upgraded its postal ID card?!  I bet you'll be happy to know that the new digitized postal ID card will now be accepted to any office or agency just like your other Government Issued IDs. And not only that! Allegedly it is super easy to apply and the ID will be delivered right on your doorstep!

The new postal ID card is made of pvc, hardbound just like an ATM card and UMID card. In addition, it also has electronic security features which is listed below. Validity of the new Philpost ID id good for three (3) years.

One of the reasons for the upgrade is because the old laminated postal ID was very vulnerable and easy to copy so Philpost has launched the new ID card system. You can also use this new ID card when getting a passport as DFA approved it as one of the valid IDs, on banks, hospitals, ports, and other offices.

Who can apply for the new Postal ID card?
  • All Filipinos of any age, living here in the Philippines or abroad, are eligible to apply.
  • Good news to foreignoys! Philpost would be allowing foreigners residing in the Philippines for at least six (6) months, to be able to apply for ID soon
Importance of the new Postal ID:

Everybody needs a proper ID to present in banks, hospitals and offices. It is also required before boarding a boat or aircraft. You need to show at least two (2) IDs when applying for a job, a passport, or a loan. Many Filipinos cannot get transactions done because they lack a valid proof of identity and address.

New Postal ID Card Requirements:

Unlike other IDs like SSS, GSIS, PRC license etc, getting the new postal ID does not need special skill, qualification or employment. You only need to show any two (2) 
original and photocopy of the following documents:

Proof of Identity – Submit any or one (1) of the following: 
  • Birth Certificate – Issued by NSO or Local Civil Registrar
  • UMID Card
  • LTO Driver’s License
  • Valid Passport.
Proof of Address – Submit any or one (1) of the following: 
  • Barangay Certificate of Residency 
  • Utility Bill (electricity bill, water bill, credit card statement and the like)
Please note the following:
  • Married females must bring their Marriage Certificate to validate change of name from birth document
  • Minors or those below 18 years old must be accompanied by a parent or a legal guardian
  • Applicants with no Birth Certificate, UMID Card, LTO Driver’s License or Valid Passport may submit ANY TWO (2) of the following documents, at least one of which should bear the applicant’s photo and signature: 
            -Valid paper-based Postal ID
            -Valid NBI/Police Clearance
            -Old SSS or GSIS card
            -Valid OWWA ID
            -Valid PRC ID
            -Digitized BIR ID
            -Valid Seaman’s Book
            -Valid Integrated Bar of the Philippines ID
            -Voter’s ID
            -Valid Company ID
            -Senior Citizen ID
            -Baptismal Certificate
            -Certificates of Birth/Marriage from National Commission for Muslim Filipinos (NCMF)
            -National Commission for Indigenous Peoples (NCIP)
            -Elementary or High School Form 137
            -Transcript of Records with readable dry seal (for applicants 18 years old and below)
            -Marriage Contract
            -Valid University/School or Alumni ID
            -TIN card

New Postal ID Application Fees

Applicants will pay the following fixed fee anywhere in the country.

How to get the New Postal ID card?

Kindly follow the following procedures:
  • Prepare the necessary documents mentioned above and submit them at the nearest post office in your area.
  • Fill up the application form. You can get one at the nearest post office or you can download the form here: Postal ID Application Form.
After your documents are screened, you will go the nearest ID “capture” station to be photographed and fingerprinted. There are 260 postal ID capture stations nationwide and you can find them here: Postal ID Capture Stations

Postal ID Released and Delivery:

How long do you need to wait for the release of your postal ID? Philpost will deliver it at the address you provided in the application form in:

5 working days – for Metro Manila address
7 working days – for other major cities and municipalities
15 working days – for island provinces and remote barangays

Security Features of the new Postal ID:

  • On-site digital capture of fingerprints, photo, signature and personal details
  • Centralized ID printing and database to guarantee that the cards are authentic
  • An encrypted QR (‘quick response’) code printed on the card can verify the identity of ID holder using a downloadable smart-phone application.
What will happen to my old but still valid Postal ID?:

The old ID will remain valid up to its date of expiration. Post offices will stop issuing paperbased IDs when the new Postal ID becomes available in their area. Old but valid postal IDs may also be converted to the new Postal ID at a price discount:

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

MERALCO BIZ PARTNERS: Free business Consultancy Service

MERALCO BIZ PARTNERS:  Free business Consultancy Service

I was not aware about this particular service being offered by Meralco until today, January 27, 2016.

Meralco promises to empower SME by offering free business consultancy services to lower your electricity bill and optimized power requirements and energy solutions.

All you have to do is call 16210 and a Meralco trained engineer will be glad to visit your target location or your actual place of business.



13 out of the 15 lovely candidates were present during the media presentation of the Miss Aviation 2016 at the cinema 3 Cineplex of ShangriLa Mall in Mandaluyong City.

Notable faces are numbers 5, 11, 12 14 and number 15. 

Number 11 is a ground stewardess and she is very pleasant when I got to talk to her during the event. Number 15 is studying to be a pilot.

Last year's Miss Aviation (2015) was also present during the event.

How about you, who is your bet for Miss Aviation 2016?

Crizal Eyezen: Keeping your eyes protected while you remain connected to the Universe

Crizal Eyezen: Keeping your eyes protected while you remain connected to the Universe

It is a fact that in this day and age of internet, it’s a must for people to keep their eyes glued to the world using their digital devices — be it a smartphone, gadget or tablet.  Being digitally connected has become a lifestyle. However, being online 24/7 can strain and, even, damage your eyes. With the constant exposure to blue light emitted from digital devices, your eyes need protection.


With the abundance of digital devices, people are now engaging in a digital behavior called “multi-screening”. It is a behavior where an individual uses multiple digital screens simultaneously, on average four (4) different devices are used—either for work, education, socializing or leisure.

A typical multi-screen user spends 7 hours and 24 minutes of screen media per day. Of that time, 34% is spent on smartphones; 33% on TV; 23% on laptops; and 10% on tablets. This longer time in front of bright digital screens and versatility between devices are challenges for the human eye, and many people are describing specific symptoms linked to their new behavior.

With this in mind, Essilor, the global leader in ophthalmic lenses, introduces Crizal Eyezen, a new range of lenses designed to keep your eyes protected while staying connected to the digital world.

Crizal Eyezen™ lenses are designed to replace ordinary prescription lenses or to assist occasionally the ones who usually do not need glasses, when viewing their digital devices. They exist in three (3) different optimizations according to the type of screen most used and the age of the patient. It features three revolutionary technologies—Eyezen Focus, Light Scan™ and W.A.V.E Technology that work in sync to relax the eyes from all digital stress and protect against harmful blue light.

Eyezen Focus Technology helps relieve the eye’s focus when using digital devices and reduces eye strain in ultra-near distances or for reading small characters by giving an extra power in the lower portion of the ophthalmic lens.

Light Scan™ Technology is a unique light filtering technology which protects eyes from the harmful blue-violet light emitted by digital screens. W.A.V.E Technology, on the other hand, eliminates lens distortion for sharper, clearer vision at every distance and better vision even in low light.

“Crizal Eyezen enhances the digitally connected lifestyle of the millennial generation” says Essilor Philippines general manager Dr. Emelita Roleda. “While ordinary glasses help you see the world, Eyezen enhance the way you live in it. With clearer, sharper vision, you can connect to the digital world better, while getting protection for your eyes at the same time.”

Crizal Eyezen is just one of the many technological innovations of Essilor.  As technology continues to advance, people’s visual needs will change at the same time. Essilor makes sure that people’s visual needs are always complemented through its constant technological innovations, innovations that aim for people to see the world better.

Crizal Eyezen lenses are available in clear and Crizal Transitions at leading optical shops nationwide. For more information, visit the Crizal Eyezen Facebook page,

About Essilor
The world’s leading ophthalmic optics company, Essilor designs, manufactures and markets a wide range of lenses to improve and protect eyesight. Its corporate mission is to enable everyone around the world to access lenses that meet his or her unique visual requirements. To support this vision, the Company allocates over €160 million to research and development every year, in a commitment to continuously bring new, more effective products to market. Essilor’s flagship brands are Varilux®, Crizal®, Xperio® and OptifogTM.
It also develops and markets equipment, instruments and services for eyecare professionals.
Essilor reported consolidated revenue of €4.9 billion in 2012 and employs around 50,700 people in some 100 countries. It operates 19 plants, a total of 390 prescription laboratories and edging facilities, as well as several research and development centers around the world.
Essilor was classified by Forbes magazine as being among the world’s 30 most innovative companies.

For more information, please visit

Sunday, January 17, 2016

LONDON: Collegiate Church of St Peter at Westminster

LONDON: Collegiate Church of St Peter at Westminster

"Ohhh, what a beauty!", was the exact words I utter when I saw this photo of the Westminster Abbey illuminated by lights when it was uploaded by manay Rosey yesterday.

I've always been fascinated with different architectural wonders of the world, the universe rather. ( O ha, gaya gaya ako kay Miss Universe Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach para in, ha ha ha! ) That is why I am so fond of traveling. My brother keeps on complaining that I couldn't keep up with his pace. Well, ladies and gentlemen that is because I always try to take photos of ingenious and intricate details of the place we are visiting. I am so engrossed trying to capture everything with my camera that I always lost track of time.

Have you ever dream of hearing mass inside a Roman Catholic church in London? It is my childhood dream to be able to visit different places like Paris, Germany and United Kingdom.

For common folks like you and me it is almost next to impossible to visit England, much more to hear mass at the Collegiate Church of St Peter at Westminster located at #20 Dean's Yard in Westminster London.

Unlike you and me, my kababayan manay Rosey Bermal had been working in a London hospital for many years now. She's so lucky! She had been living in London and had visited various places in Europe. 

The Collegiate Church of St Peter at Westminster, London is an architectural masterpiece of the 13th to 16th centuries.

Westminster Abbey also presents a unique pageant of British history such as the following:
  • the shrine of St Edward the Confessor
  • the tombs of kings and queens
  • and countless memorials to the famous and the great.
  • It has been the setting for every Coronation since 1066 
  • and for numerous other royal occasions, including sixteen royal weddings. 
Today, Westminster Abbey is still a church dedicated to regular worship and to the celebration of great events in the life of the nation. Neither a cathedral nor a parish church, Westminster Abbey (or the Collegiate Church of St Peter, Westminster to give it its correct title) is a "Royal Peculiar" under the jurisdiction of a Dean and Chapter, subject only to the Sovereign and not to any archbishop or bishop

Did you know that this gothic style church is said to be in existence since 960 AD? But it was rebuilt during the 10th century and became the burial site of and were rebuilt in 1517 while its two (2) towers were done during the 18th century? Its floor area is 32,000 feet. Its width is 85 feet. Each of the two (2) towers has a height of 225 feet. And it has 10 bells.

Ciao! Smile Always!

Photo credit: Rosey Bermal

Friday, January 15, 2016

VENUERIFIC PHILIPPINES: Sofitel Philippine Plaza Manila

VENUERIFIC PHILIPPINES: Sofitel Philippine Plaza Manila

I was watching Kris TV's feature a while ago and was inspired to write about my family's favorite staycation and events place- Sofitel Philippine Plaza Manila. Check this space out. Best place to hold events hands down.

Sofitel is our favorite hang out. I love it whenever my family and friends held there parties there.

Sofitel Philippine Plaza Manila is an iconic 5-star luxury resort nestled in an expansive tropical setting close to the largest convention center, theaters, museums, government offices and the Mall of Asia.

It is not only people who appreciates the beauty of nature! This bird is also seashore watching!

My favorite pass time... seashore watching at Sofitel!

Sofitel Philippine Plaza is one of the favorite wedding destination in the Philippines. It is an ideal venue for holding weddings both big and small, with great flexibility in staging design. Whether it be a grand and formal occasion at the Grand Plaza Ballroom or the Tent, or a smaller, more intimate ceremony by the Seawall Garden, Sofitel’s team of experts are able to ensure a most unforgettable celebration that is flawlessly executed. Choose from elegant French celebrations and other themes that capture the imagination, as your big day is tailor-made to your unique tastes and preferences.

There was a garden wedding that particular day. I wanted to take pictures but I don't want to invade and destroy their moment.

Play time under the sun in the sand at Sofitel.

Family bonding.

Swimming to the max to beat the El Niño heat!

Cool off at Sofitel's swimming pool!

With Sofitel's track record you are assured that your event will be great. Its memory will be etched in your mind for a lifetime. Our friend L celebrated her birthday at Sofitel's Grand Plaza Ballroom. It was so much fun! Our other friend Hans on the other hand treat us at Sofitel's Sunset bar. Almost every year I get invited by PMAP (People Management Association of the Philippines) to cover its event in Sofitel. And even without anything in return I always make sure to come, simply because I love PMAP and Sofitel.

On top of that, my brother and I absolutely love our staycations at Sofitel. I also love our dinner at Spiral ( Sadly,the gc I bought lapsed when I was not yet in Manila, I hope the admin will consider my request)  and the wonderful selections at Le Bar.

So the next time you have an event just search for #VenuerificPhilippines to select the best venue for your event.

What is Venuerific and how does it work?

Venuerific is a platform that allows event owners to easily and quickly book venues for their planned events

For event owners – browse, select and inquire from our list of partner venues
For venue owners – list and showcase your venues on our website

In addition, they provide a concierge service to guide you through the above.

How do you create an account and sign up with Venuerific?

Go to their homepage, click on Sign Up and enter your email address and password. You will then receive an activation email from our system. Click the link on the activation email to activate your account.

How do I login to Venuerific?

Enter your email address and password in the Log In page and then click “Sign In”.
Can I login using Facebook?

Yes. You can login using your Facebook account.

You can search for the perfect using the search botton or through its online concierge.



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