MISS INTERNATIONAL 2012: Ikumi Yoshimatsu from Japan

The 24 year-old, Miss Japan Ikumi Yoshimatsu, was crowned Miss International 2012 at today's grand finale of the Miss International 2012 beauty pageant held at Okinawa Prefectural Budokan Arena Building, Naha, Okinawa, Japan.

Miss International 2012 final results:
- Miss International 2012: Miss Japan, Ikumi Yoshimatsu
- The first runner-up: Miss Finland, Viivi Suominen
- The second runner-up: Miss Sri Lanka, Madusha Mayadunne
- The third runner-up: Miss Dominican Republic, Melody Mir Jiménez
- The fourth runner-up: Miss Paraguay, Nicole Huber

Miss Japan Ikumi Yoshimatsu being crowned Miss International 2012

In November 2011 in Tokyo, Ikumi Yoshimatsu was crowned Miss International Japan 2012.She represented Japan in today's (October 21, 2012) beauty pageant. With the hometown advantage, she beats 68 contestants from around the world to be the first Japanese representative to ever win a Miss International title.

Top 15 of Miss International 2012:
- Miss Colombia, Melissa Varón
- Miss Brazil, Rafaela Butarelli
- Miss Japan, Ikumi Yoshimatsu
- Miss Sri Lanka, Madusha Mayadunne
- Miss Finland, Viivi Suominen
- Miss Namibia, Paulina Malulu
- Miss Venezuela, Blanca Aljibes
- Miss United Kingdom, Alize Lily Mounter
- Miss USA, Amanda Renee Delgado
- Miss Dominican Republic, Melody Mir Jiménez
- Miss Philippines, Nicole Cassandra Schmitz
- Miss Paraguay, Nicole Huber
- Miss Mexico, Jessica García Formenti
- Miss India, Rochelle Maria Rao
- Miss Haiti, Anedie Azael.
Special Awards:
- Miss JOICFP (Best Idea & Concept for Charity): Miss Haiti, Anedie Azael
- Miss Photogenic: Miss Japan, Ikumi Yoshimatsu
- Miss Internet: Miss Myanmar, Nang Khin Zay Yar
- Miss National Costume: Miss Honduras, Nicole Velasquez
- Miss Talent (Performance): Miss Russia, Ekaterina Meglinskaia
- Miss Friendship: Miss Mauritius, Ameeksha Dilchand.
Miss International 2012 has 69 contestants.

- Miss Colombia, Melissa Varón
- Miss Brazil, Rafaela Butarelli
- Miss Japan, Ikumi Yoshimatsu
- Miss Sri Lanka, Madusha Mayadunne
- Miss Finland, Viivi Suominen
- Miss Namibia, Paulina Malulu
- Miss Venezuela, Blanca Aljibes
- Miss United Kingdom, Alize Lily Mounter
- Miss USA, Amanda Renee Delgado
- Miss Dominican Republic, Melody Mir Jiménez
- Miss Philippines, Nicole Cassandra Schmitz
- Miss Paraguay, Nicole Huber
- Miss Mexico, Jessica García Formenti
- Miss India, Rochelle Maria Rao
- Miss Haiti, Anedie Azael.
Special Awards:
- Miss JOICFP (Best Idea & Concept for Charity): Miss Haiti, Anedie Azael
- Miss Photogenic: Miss Japan, Ikumi Yoshimatsu
- Miss Internet: Miss Myanmar, Nang Khin Zay Yar
- Miss National Costume: Miss Honduras, Nicole Velasquez
- Miss Talent (Performance): Miss Russia, Ekaterina Meglinskaia
- Miss Friendship: Miss Mauritius, Ameeksha Dilchand.

HEIGHT 170 cm
AWARDS Miss International Japan 2012
AWARDS Miss International Japan 2012

吉松 育美(Yoshimatsu Ikumi)
Birthday: 1987/6/21 Age.25
Blood type:O Height:170
B/W/H: 88/61/90 Shoes size 24.5cm
Hometown: 佐賀県鳥栖市
Hobby: ランニング、ヨガ、読書、映画鑑賞
Skil: 英会話
幼い頃から体を動かすことが大好きで、小学校から中学校までの6年間はバレーボールを、 高校では陸上部で 100m ハードルと走り高跳びを得意種目としていました。 現在でもランニングが生活の一部となっており健康美が目標です。
オリンピック出場の夢を果たすことが出来なかった父の夢を果たすため、 私が父の代わりに世界を目指すようになりました。 世界の架け橋になれるようなグローバルな女性になりたいと思います。
今後はミスインターナショナル 2012 日本代表として、 得意の英語を生かしてチャリティー活動や国際交流に参加させて頂いたり、 大好きなスポーツを通じて健康的な美しさを世の中にアピールしていきたいと考えています。

I have always enjoyed exercising since I was young; I practiced volleyball for 6 years during my elementary and secondary school, and also was a member of the track and field team during my high school years where I excelled in the 100MH and the high jump category.
Even now, running is a great part of my everyday life, therefore I am confident of my healthy beauty.
The reason why I stand before you and the world today is because I am here representing on behalf of my father.My father’s dream was to somehow participate on a global stage. He dedicated his life training to become an Olympic athlete.
I would like to represent Japan as Miss International 2012 by participating in international cultural exchanges and charity activities, and by bringing awareness to the world my love for a healthy beautiful life through sports.

HEIGHT 170 cm
AWARDS Miss International Japan 2012