My heart got broken exactly four years ago today when my Papa died. I felt the world stopped and my heart stopped beating when they told me my Papa was gone.
I couldn't believe that my Papa who was so strong-willed will succumb to death without a fight. I always believed that my Papa would survive and spring back to life. That's how I viewed Papa, someone so strong and gentle at the same time, kind, understanding and loving. I love him so much.
I hope things will get better now that I understand that this isn't the end and I will see my mama and papa again. I am lucky I was able to give him a big hug and a kiss before his heart attack. But still, it is difficult to hold back the tears and to stop my longing for my parents.
It’s difficult to let both of you go but I must…I know I must....Please Pray with me for my Papa's Death Anniversary today...I am literally crying when I compose this post-(
Loving God,
Listen to our prayer as we remember Constancio Sy on the anniversary of his death.
We thank you for the good things you have done among us by his life and example.
Grant that he may rejoice with you in heaven, as we journey to your kingdom.
Keep us faithful in following the way of Jesus that we may live in your love.
We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord.