E-commerce has evolved into one of the biggest and most coveted industries ever known. The art of procuring things – that comes from an unknown source that was never accounted for – is now over and it has changed into the art of buying from home, using your very own smartphone to purchase goods worth millions.
Zion is derived from the scriptures which represents the City of Jerusalem among the Jews with a promise of restoration from loss and devastation of their lives and country. It also connotes the mountain of God among the Judeo-Christian Faith of a better state enjoying God’s abundance, protection and assurance of salvation. This was the inspiration of the founder and young CEO-President Ms. Fostine Margaux Tapiador fondly known as Charmie to her closest to start her own company.
Registered officially as a Corporation last September 2019, ZION TRADING & E-COMMERCE BUSINESS SOLUTIONS was created from the success of its founder Charmi, who also wanted to share the breakthrough business by mentoring-coaching and training who would sign up and subscribe to the platform.
Richard Gabriel Bonifacio, the COO-GM of Zion, said that E Commerce is the “Great Equalizer” to do business nowadays. After discovering and trying the revolutionary business where he earned six-figure income, he quit his job, continued to do E-Commerce at his pace and convenience which gave him the liberty to spend more quality time with his family.
Last but definitely not the least, known in the circle of MLM-Network Marketing Industry and being a consistent leader-achiever, “Jojo” Toress, the Chief Marketing and Sales Officer of. Zion has a change of heart. From a “green card holder”, he almost settled in the US. But after being persuaded by Charmi to join her in setting up Zion, he decided to stay for good and they joined forcer in empowering many people through this revolutionary business. Jojo resolved to himself that this is the right business and company for him and surrendering his green card are all worth the risk, as he sees bigger vision with Zion.
ZION TRADING & E-COMMERCE BUSINESS SOLUTIONS’ grand launch is set on January 25, 2020.

If you want to earn money and save for your future. Then you must do an online business.

E-Commerce is the "in thing" nowadays. Almost every establishments in the Philippines has their own e-commerce website. It is primarily because almost everyone are into gadgets and has access to internet since the government approved the free public wifi in every municipality. Yes, even those far-flung baranggays are now online. Less carbon footprint ❤️. Iwas traffic pa!
Doing traditional business has many disadvantages thats why businesses are going online to thrive. Online business is really something you should consider. The vast world of e-commerce has a lot of potential in the field of food, clothing, services, anything you can sell legally.
People who are successful in business especially in e-commerce need a certain kind of drive. But for people who have been selling online for years and are jaded or for people who are just starting out, the key word is claiming or reclaiming your MOJO. For those of you who do not know what mojo is, according to the Urban Dictionary, it means "personal confidence and charisma". Mojo also means magic or charm and that is what success in eCommerce takes, but in order to exude confidence and charisma and give your products a magical allure and charm, you need motivation! That is why each and everyone of us should meet the team behind Zion Trading! Why? Because they're very passionate about empowering people.
Ms. Fostine Margaux Tapiador, founder of the new Christian-owned E-commerce company, Zion Trading, saw an opportunity to spread the good news and share the blessing and wonders of Electronic Commerce or Online business to people. It is a multi-Billion dollar earning opportunity business that paved the way from its pioneers such as EBAY, AMAZON.COM of the American spheres, ALIBABA of China and also some famous online e-commerce sites here in the Philippines such as Shopee, Lazada, Zalora and many more.About ZION TRADING & E-COMMERCE BUSINESS SOLUTION
Zion is derived from the scriptures which represents the City of Jerusalem among the Jews with a promise of restoration from loss and devastation of their lives and country. It also connotes the mountain of God among the Judeo-Christian Faith of a better state enjoying God’s abundance, protection and assurance of salvation. This was the inspiration of the founder and young CEO-President Ms. Fostine Margaux Tapiador fondly known as Charmie to her closest to start her own company.
Registered officially as a Corporation last September 2019, ZION TRADING & E-COMMERCE BUSINESS SOLUTIONS was created from the success of its founder Charmi, who also wanted to share the breakthrough business by mentoring-coaching and training who would sign up and subscribe to the platform.
Richard Gabriel Bonifacio, the COO-GM of Zion, said that E Commerce is the “Great Equalizer” to do business nowadays. After discovering and trying the revolutionary business where he earned six-figure income, he quit his job, continued to do E-Commerce at his pace and convenience which gave him the liberty to spend more quality time with his family.
Last but definitely not the least, known in the circle of MLM-Network Marketing Industry and being a consistent leader-achiever, “Jojo” Toress, the Chief Marketing and Sales Officer of. Zion has a change of heart. From a “green card holder”, he almost settled in the US. But after being persuaded by Charmi to join her in setting up Zion, he decided to stay for good and they joined forcer in empowering many people through this revolutionary business. Jojo resolved to himself that this is the right business and company for him and surrendering his green card are all worth the risk, as he sees bigger vision with Zion.