EASTER IDEAS: Villa del Conte Ovicinis for Easter

For many, Easter is equated with fertility symbols such as the Easter rabbit and Easter eggs.
Rather than going for an Easter egg, (which they could accidentally drop or hit their teeth or head with) you could try Ovicini for a change. It's a decadent dark chocolate coated with pastel-colored candy and filled with delicious hazelnut cream from the premium Italian artisanal chocolates of the idyllic rural town of Villa del Conte in Padova (Padua), Italy.
Visit Villa del Conte at Greenbelt 5,
Shangri-La Mall, Resorts World, Alabang Town Center and Robinson’s Magnolia, or
call 893-2575 or 621-6101 for special orders.
Go to
http://www.villadelcontecioccolato.com/ to know more about Villa del Conte, or
follow them on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VillaDelContePh, Instagram:
http://instagram.com/villadelconte and Twitter: