The App Revolution Has Begun
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You are Here: Home > The App Revolution Has Begun
Thursday, April 25, 2013
The App Revolution Has Begun
Realizing that more and more people are and will be using Internet connected mobile devices to do both work and play, and that these devices are already playing an integral part of our lives, AppLabs Digital Studios Inc. was founded by Azhar Khan and Ian Atienza. After several meetings, it was agreed upon that the common goals of a company should be based first on good intentions. The company must make sure all its people will benefit first, and that any partnership must be solidly based on integrity, positivity and focus. Both passionate men agreed, founded and started what is now AppLabs Digital Studios Inc.
AppLabs Digital Studios is a fast-growing, specialist mobile and web applications development team offering a full suite of end-to-end services across a multitude of industries and markets.
The company is also proud to offer their own products that will be available on several carefully chosen distribution channels. Whether it is for Android, iOS, BlackBerry or the Web, AppLabs Digital Studios is ready to work with you and be with you in reaching your highest potentials and targets.
Within a short period of time, AppLabs has successfully established subsidiaries and strong partnerships to further our global impact. The aggressive expansion brought forth the acquisition of several divisions to accommodate the large demand in the Philippines.
Experienced business consultant Eddie Beull joined the company early in 2013, and he currently holds Corporate Communications Director position. Lea Dolorfino, meanwhile, became a Corporate Relations Director through her hard work, significant contributions to the company, and years of experience in the communications field. She currently holds the distinction as the youngest executive officer in AppLabs Digital Studios.
Applabs was incorporated in Hong Kong because it is one of the world’s most reliable and efficient financial centres, has no exchange control and has a sound common law legal system and communications network. They offer services like Mobile App Development, Web Design and Development, App Testing and Digital Marketing
Only profits which have a source in Hong Kong are taxable there. Profits source elsewhere are not subject to Hong Kong Profits tax. Consequently, if a Hong Kong Company is trading or business activities are based outside Hong Kong, no taxation will be levied. Hong Kong Companies with a Hong Kong source of income currently only pay 16.5% tax on profits.
Their list of satisfied clients served includes TV 5, University of the Philippines, Department of Health, Intercast Japan, Rockwell Land, and Media Contacts. They have also teamed up with notable companies to better handle our business and engage in corporate social responsibility activities: MyPhone, Infochat, Batibot, WWF Philippines, SM Cyberzone, Wave 89.1 FM and HVMO-Collab.
To know more about Applabs, please visit or like their Facebook fan page