Good Morning, Philippines! Special thanks to Dg Formoso for the wonderful pictures of the 17th Hot Air Balloon Festival held last February 9- 12, 2012 @ Clark, Airfields in Pampanga, Philippines.

The sunflower wink at me ha ha ha!
We got to Clark airbase just in time to see the Hot Air Balloon flew in the sky. We were actually still inside the car so the pictures I have here is courtesy of REUTERS/Romeo Ranoco.
The Hot Air Balloons festival was on its 17th year now. They were held at the former U.S. base in Clark,Pampanga, north of Manila from February 9 to 12, 2012.The Hot Air Balloon Fiesta is an event that started in 1994. It is considered the biggest aviation event in the country.
At least 26 hot air balloons, including six specially shaped balloons were flown in to participate in this year's Hot Air Balloon Fiesta.
We woke up at 1:30 a.m. after only an hour of sleep and drove all the way from Manila at 3:30 in the morning. This was the first time that we got to see the hot air balloon Fiesta live.
Aerial view of the 17th Hot Air Balloon Fiesta
Aside from hot air balloons, military aircraft, kites and radio-controlled turbine jets also occupy the sky during the 17th Hot Air Balloon Fiesta.
Overall it was a nice event. Ordinary mortals like you and me get to interact with people from the aviation industry. We got to see and experienced everything that flies from hot air balloons, fighter jets, sky lanterns, sky divers, air shows, airplanes, mini airplanes, gliders, kites,etc.
We paid a P200 contribution per person for the entrance ticket! There are tons of freebies from different sponsors and lots of food concessionaires. Best time to go to this event is either in the early morning or late afternoon. We would love to go there again next year!