- Uratex Trade and Save Promotion is valid only on the following dates.
- Week 1: June 16 to 17, 2012-just ended
- Week 2: June 23 to 24, 2012
- Week 3: June 30 to July 1, 2012
- Week 4: July 7 to 8, 2012
- Promotion is open to everyone.
- Store Hours: 9:00am to 6:00pm.
- Old Mattresses can be anything of the following: Foam Mattress, Spring Mattress, Fold-a-Mattress, Roll-a-Mat, Crib Mattress, Sofa Bed . This promo is for Solid foam only - combination of foam and wood or spring will NOT be accepted.
- Participating Uratex Premium Mattresses: Senso Memory Mattress, Perfect Serenity, Sleep Comfort Memory Mattress, Purifoam Mattress, Trapunto by Rajo Laurel, Orthocare Mattress, Premium Touch Viscoluxe Mattress and Premium Touch Cozy Latex.
- Offer is valid in Quezon City Showroom only (32 Miller St., San Francisco Del Monte, Quezon City)
- This promotion cannot be combined with other offers, discounts, etc.
- Uratex reserves the right to refuse the Mattress set for any or no reason and to refuse to offer in its sole discretion.
- For inquiries, please call at 888-6800

- Upon arrival, look for Ms. Gail Alamer or Rafael Reyes and fill up the registration form. Authorized Sales Rep will afterward inspect your old mattress for validity.
- Once validated, you will be given the discount stub which must be presented upon payment at the cashier.
- Choose from any of the participating Uratex Premium Mattresses that you intend to purchase and proceed to cashier for payment.
- Present your receipt to Ms Gail or Mr Rafael for final validation.
- once receipt is validated, your old mattress will be unloaded from your vehicle.
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