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You are Here: Home > EARTH HOUR 2012
Friday, March 23, 2012
Earth Hour 2012 is happening @ 8.30 p.m. on Saturday 31 March.
Celebrate your action for the planet with the people of the world by switching off your lights for an hour, then go beyond the hour.
Labels: EARTH HOUR 2012
"Treat the Earth well. We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors, we borrow it from our children."
– Native American proverb
Definitely switching of our lights for an hour. Actually, even longer than that :)
This is indeed a very clever idea and glad the Philippines is among those countries which actively participates the most :) However, we will not be joining this in the hospital because we can not afford to kill our patients LOL!!! ;)
definitely will join this for mother earth
..i will be attending the EH in davao ;)
hmmm. i don't know if i'll be home during this time.
pero i hope many will participate talaga.
ok.total darkness for an hour .i hope thay everybody will participate.
It's nice to see that this Earth hour is stil on going project. I just hope many will join this time.
I will surely participate EH 2012. Let's spread the news! :)
Thanks for spreading awareness! :)
Tonight is the night to make this event successful again!
Definitely supporting this. happy Earth Day!! ;)
Ive participated in this for several years now!
Definitely something that we can and within our reach
sana gawin na lang nilang total black out ang whole Philippines. LOL. madam pa rin talagang di sumusunod d2 eh.. tsk.
lets participate and turn-off our lights. Happy Earth Day
great.. Go Green!
I am in to this movement for Mother Earth!
happening in a few minutes, actually waiting for it.:)
Me too supports this global awareness campaign!
check out where to go for this event: http://abetoy.blogspot.com/2012/03/earth-hour-2012-philippines-to-lead.html
It's very disgusting here in our place. There's a sign at the stage of "switching off" as to go with "Earth Hour" observation, yet the program still going on... :(
Nagpalipad kame ng lanterns kanina during earth hour <3
I wasn't able to participate last night for the first time since this started :(
save energy, save earth... nice concept. pero takot ka sa dilim, right? lol. joke. Yahweh bless.
I wish there's also earth hour here, maybe there is but I am not noted. We should really save energy and save our planet :)
This event is really really good way to save our earth. And I'm glad I am part of it. =)
let's save mother earth altogether.
The Earth is the Lord's and the fullness therein, i support earth hour every year! =)
This is the 2nd year that we have participated in this event. It feels good, knowing that with just a little effort we get to do something for mother earth.
participated of course! :) Hope we can do this twice a year or even monthly!
Let's have our own Earth Hour everyday, we owe it to our planet. :)
I do support Earth hour. For climate change awareness, lezzdothis
I did support Earth Hour. from 9:00pm-9:30pm nga lang as we need lights in the office to work effectively. ^_^
to be quite honest, i totally missed this...perhaps i'd be able to do it next year or perhaps do my own earth hour...
Earth Hour is one way to show that we still care for the environment. However, I don't think it gives so much impact to the environment. Still I believe that each household should still practice conservation in our daily grind. Yes, this is earth hour is effective but it would be more meaningful if we do it everyday...not just during earth hour.
We have not been able to participate in any Earth Hour, we missed it this year again, like in the past years.
My daughter, 12 y.o. reminded me about it a week before, and I am ashamed to admit I forgot!
But I can say, we practice mindfulness for the Nature and our environment as a whole the rest of the year, in every way we can.
Earth hour is I think important in a way of having a feeling of solidarity with everyone in the planet. :)
I believe each an everyone of us can do something for mother earth! As simple as turning off our pc, tv, cp could help. Do your share! God bless everyone!
di ko pa natry to hahaha... i guess 8 nasa byahe pa ko pauwi neto.. anyway simple things are better for me.. plastics on the recycle bins.. dont throw things just anywhere you want, save water, save electricity even though meralco is wasting it (hahaha).. and a lots more..
Any activity to save Mother Earth no matter how small will definitely help.:) I surely participate on this one. :)
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