Traveling Abroad?
With Globe’s Worldwidest Services you are guaranteed to enjoy affordable roaming rates and clear connections wherever you are in the world!
So for your added convenience while traveling, choose Globe as your roaming partner now.
Here's how:
Step 1: ACTIVATE your roaming while still in the Philippines. The ideal time is about three(3) days before you leave the Philippines.
The Globe Roaming Support Hotline number is (632) 730-1212. This is the number you can CALL COLLECT by using a landline** while roaming in other countries when you have concerns and inquiries. This way you will not be charged for international calls every time you have difficulty while roaming. You may call regarding network and other service concerns such as dialing procedures.
** Please do not place calls from hotels or from your Globe Handyphone as you may be charged service fees by either the hotel switchboard or the foreign carrier.
· Postpaid subscribers can call 211 (toll-free) via mobile.
· Prepaid clients can text GROAM ON and send to 2884. Free of Charge.
Example: GROAM ON 06/01/2008
Step 2: For HELP while roaming, you can call our 24/7 Customer Service Hotline
· Postpaid subscribers can call +632.7301212 from your mobile (toll-free)
· Prepaid clients can call *131*6327301212# from your mobile (toll-free)
How to MAKE CALLS while roaming:
· Postpaid subscribers
Simply dial “+” + country code + area code (or operator code) + phone number.
Example: +6327301000 if landline or +639178000000 if mobile and press SEND.
· Prepaid clients
Dial *131* + country code + area code (or operator code) + phone number + # sign.
e.g. *131*6327301000# if landline or *131*639178000000# if mobile and press SEND.
How to SEND MESSAGES while roaming:
Use the International Number format when sending a message to someone: "+" + country code + mobile access number + mobile number.
Example: +639xxxxxxxxxx, and press SEND.
Tips while Roaming:
· Bring the phone manual with you while roaming.
· Make sure that your phone’s charger can operate at the power voltage in the countries you are visiting.
· The Message Center Number to be used while roaming should be +639170000130.
· Make sure that your GPRS settings are correct to enjoy seamless data browsing in foreign countries where GPRS Roaming is available. You may call Globe Customer Service for more information.
· Most phones are set to Automatic Network Selection, which means that it will automatically pick up the network of your visited country. If you are unable to get a signal immediately, turn off your phone and on again so that it can refresh and pick up the signal of the available network.
· Ensure you press the “END” button on your mobile phone after every outgoing call conversation and after every incoming call conversation to avoid long duration charges.
· Please always activate your “KEYPAD LOCKED” when unit is not in use to avoid involuntary calls.
· Always check your dialing format before calling. For ease of calling back to the Philippines, you may wish to store “+63” for the Philippine Country code followed by your friends and family’s phone numbers. For Prepaid subscribers, please click here for the dialing procedures.
· As a member of the Bridge Mobile Alliance, you are entitled to special data rates when you roam within the member operators. For more info, check out www.bridgemobile.com.
· For more information on rates and available roaming partners in foreign countries, please contact Globe Telecom Customer Service.
QUICK and EASY Guide for Prepaid Roaming
To use commands: text (keyword) and send to 2884.
To activate (Free of Charge)
Ex. GROAM ON 06/01/2008
To extend*
GROAM EXTEND <# of days>
To request status*
To know if the country offers Prepaid International Roaming*
To get more information*
To de-activate (Free of charge if sent while in the Philippines and P25 if sent outside the Philippines)
· These services have the following rates: P2.50 if sent while in the Philippines, P25 + P2.50 if sent outside the Philippines.
· A minimum balance of P80 is required to make and receive a call while roaming. A minimum balance of P25 is required to send a text message.
· As soon as you arrive in the Philippines, please be reminded to text GROAM OFF and send to 2884 so that the minimum balance as stated above for calling and texting will not apply.
lol not working. message sending failed
it doesn't work!
Thanks for the wonderful information. You have mentioned very useful and profitable message about International Roaming Prepaid for those who travel globally. The best thing about international roaming is that it lowers your expenses on making calls in foreign destinations.
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