Aircon Room accommodation for 3 days and 2 nights is only around Php800 per night per room located in Station 1. This very safe and clean inn is stone's throw away from Willy's Rock and just across Holy Rosary Church.
Two persons in one room 800 divided by two = Php 400 per night x 2 nights (3 days and 2 nights) Php 800.00
Andoks, Mang Inasal, etc., offer meals between 45 pesos to 102 per person. That means you can save a lot if you bring or cook your own food.
It is doable. Travel agencies always assure you that you got the best deals but the truth is, they got a lot of profit from your travel money/ fund. :-)
Airfare: Seat sale- Php 2,171.84 divided by 2= Php1,085.92 + 800= Php1,885.92 per person. (Fare is based on a mock booking for this year 2013 with no check in bags.)
NOTE: I am not connected with any hotel or sponsor. This is based on my personal experience. This is the way you do it to save money.