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Today, I receive all God’s love for me. Today, I open myself to the unbounded, limitless, overflowing abundance of God’s Universe. Today, I open myself to your Blessings, healing and miracles.Today, I open myself to God’s Word so that I become more like Jesus Everyday. Today, I proclaim that I’m God’s Beloved, I’m God’s Servant, I’m God’s powerful champion, And because I am blessed, I will bless the world, In Jesus Name, Amen.

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The Great Wall of China in Mutianyu

The Great Wall of China is referred to in Mandarin as Wanli Changcheng (10,000-Li Long Wall or simply very long wall) BEIJING, CHINA- S...

Tuesday, June 4, 2024


Hey everyone!

Good news, to all Metro Manila Motorcycle enthusiasts! 

I am super excited to share some awesome news with all my fellow riders out there especially those who are based in Metro Manila!

The Metro Manila Development Authority (MMDA) has launched the MMDA Motorcycle Riding Academy (MRA), and it sounds absolutely fantastic! This academy is basically a dream come true for anyone who wants to up their motorcycle game.

Here's the gist of it:

  • Free Training: That's right, you can learn valuable skills and become a safer rider completely free of charge!
  • Expert Instructors: You'll be guided by people who know their stuff, ensuring you get the best possible education.
  • Comprehensive Curriculum: Whether you're a beginner or looking to refine your skills, the MRA has something for everyone. They'll cover everything from road safety principles to mastering your motorcycle.
  • This is a fantastic opportunity to not only become a better rider but also a safer one for yourself and everyone on the road. Big thanks to the MMDA for this brilliant initiative!

    How to Get Involved


    Please prepare the following documents on the day of your training schedule (Ihanda ang mga sumusunod na dokumento na kailangang dalhin sa nakatakdang artoaw ng iyong pagsasanay ng motorsiklo):

    1. Photocopies of Driver's License/Student Permit or any Government Issued ID
    2. Parent's Consent (if applicant is 17 years old)
    3. Barangay Clearance or Certificate of Employment (if employed)

    Note: You are required to bring your own protective gear such as;
    - Helmet
    - Jacket
    - Pants
    - Shoes
    - Boots
    - Gloves
    - Elbow Guards
    - Knee Guards


    The free two-day course includes basic road emergency response; road traffic rules and regulations; motorcycle orientation on basic parts; control and operation of motorcycles; demonstration of static position and moving position, and motorcycle skills practice and demonstration.

    Online enrollment link 

    In the future, this blog can be a hub for all things motorcycle-related in Metro Manila. We can share updates on the MRA program, riding tips, reviews of gear, and even awesome riding routes to explore.

    Let me know in the comments what kind of motorcycle content you'd be interested in seeing!

    Ride safe,

    Cha of Travelonshoestring 🙏 ✌️ 

    Monday, June 3, 2024

    The Strength We Find Within: A Heartfelt Reflection

    Hey everyone!

    Today, I want to take a moment for some honest reflection. Lately, I've been feeling a bit lost, a little adrift in the vast sea of life. Maybe some of you can relate? We all go through periods where the world feels overwhelming, and questions about our purpose and place in it start swirling.

    For me, these moments often lead me back to a core belief I hold close: the incredible strength we all carry within ourselves. It's a strength that might feel buried sometimes, overshadowed by doubts and anxieties. But it's there.

    This strength isn't about brute force or achieving the impossible. It's about the quiet courage to face our fears, the resilience to pick ourselves up after a fall, the compassion to navigate life's storms with grace. That's the unwavering trust we hold in our own hearts, even when whispers of insecurity cloud our judgment.

    Maybe you're feeling lost right now too. If so, I encourage you to look inwards. What sparks joy in your heart? What makes you feel truly alive? Reconnect with those passions, nurture them. Because within you lies the strength to not only weather life's storms, but to thrive.

    Let's not forget the incredible human beings we are. Let's tap into that inner strength and create a life filled with meaning and purpose

    Remember, our Place in the Universe has a blessing from our creator, Our God the Father in heaven.

    There's so much wonder and complexity in the world. Whether you believe in a higher power, a universal force, or simply the incredible power of nature, it's humbling to consider our place in it all.

    What gives your life meaning? Without God we are nothing. All glory and honor to God! 🙏

    #gratitude #reflection #faith

    Sunday, June 2, 2024

    Aesthetic Cafe

    Check out this aesthetic Cafe in Baguio City

    So, if you're feeling the blues, plan a trip to Baguio, ditch the generic coffee chains and embark on your own quest for aesthetic cafes and hidden gems. Trust me, you won't be disappointed!

    Do you have any favorite hidden cafes in Baguio? Share your recommendations in the comments below!


    Saturday, June 1, 2024

    PHILIPPINE GENERAL HOSPITAL: A Guide to Booking Appointments at PGH

    Hey everyone! We all know that the Philippine General Hospital or simply PGH, is a fantastic resource for affordable medical care. But let's be honest, scheduling an appointment can feel like a challenge in itself. Fear not, fellow human beings! I'm here to share the experience of my brother and some tips to navigate the appointment system.

    Option 1: Brave the Phone

    Pick up the phone: Dial the PGH trunkline at (02) 8554-8400. Be prepared for wait times, so grab a cup of coffee and some patience.

    Operator on Deck: Once you connect, request to be connected to your desired clinic. There might be a separate number for specific departments, so you can try searching online for the clinic's contact details beforehand.

    Appointment Magic: Once connected, explain to the clinic staff that you'd like to schedule an appointment. Be clear about your condition and any medical history relevant to your visit.

    Option 2: Face-to-Face (For the Determined Souls)

    Head to PGH: This option requires a personal visit to the hospital.

    Information is Key: Go to the Information counter and explain that you'd like to schedule an appointment. They'll likely ask for a valid ID and might direct you to the specific clinic for booking.

    General Tips for Success:

    Time is of the Essence: PGH appointments tend to fill up quickly. Call or visit early, especially for in-demand clinics.

    Do your research: If possible, check the clinic's operating hours beforehand. Some clinics might have specific schedules for new patients or follow-up consultations.

    Bring Your Records: If you have a previous PGH case number, bring it along. This helps expedite the process.

    Patience is a Virtue: Unfortunately, waiting times can be long at PGH. Bring a book, some music, or a friend for company.

    Bonus Round: Online Appointment System (Limited Availability)

    There have been talks about an online appointment system for PGH. While it isn't widely available yet, keep an eye out for updates on the PGH website ( or their official Facebook page.

    Good news! I was able to confirmed from my brother the link he used in order to book an appointment at UP-PGH.


    Register the name of the patient first. Then book an appointment to your desired specialist.

    Remember, this is just a guide based on my brothers's experience. Things can change, so
     don't hesitate to ask the PGH staff for clarification if needed.

    Have you conquered the PGH appointment system? Share your tips and tricks in the comments below!

    Wednesday, May 29, 2024

    The Ungrateful Arm

    We've all been there, right? You help someone out, pull them up from a rough patch, and then...poof! They vanish, leaving you feeling like you fed a stray dog a gourmet meal only to have it steal your wallet. Well, buckle up, because we're here to tell you the tale of our metaphorical "stolen arm."

    There we were, with open arms. We assisted and opened our doors to this crew when they were facing some serious hardships – no electricity, no food. It was a rough situation, and we wanted to help. We empathized with them, figuring they just needed a hand getting started. We offered support, a metaphorical plate full of kindness and generosity.

    At first, they were all "thank you so much," and "you're a lifesaver!" It felt good, you know? Like we were making a difference. But slowly, slowly, things changed. The gratitude faded, replaced by a sense of entitlement. They started taking our help for granted, expecting more and more.

    Then came the kicker. One day, we caught them with their metaphorical hands in the metaphorical cookie jar. Not just taking a cookie, mind you, but trying to claim the entire bakery as theirs! They rewrote history, pretending like our help never even happened.

    Let me tell you, folks, that stung. It felt like they'd devoured our entire metaphorical arm, the one we so freely offered. All that was left was a gnawing sense of betrayal.

    Here's the thing, though. We learned a valuable lesson. While helping others is a noble act, it's important to have boundaries. Not everyone deserves your open arms. Some folks will take advantage, and that's okay. It doesn't mean you stop being generous, but maybe you become a little more discerning about who gets a seat at your metaphorical table.

    So, to those who've taken advantage of kind souls like us, a word to the wise: Remember where you came from. And to those of you with kind hearts, keep helping, but choose wisely. Because sometimes, that metaphorical arm takes a long time to grow back.

    P.S. On a lighter note, this whole experience has definitely given a new meaning to the phrase "don't let someone take the shirt off your back" because apparently, they'll go for your whole arm if you let them!

    Saturday, May 25, 2024

    A Broken System: The Plight of Indigent Patients at PGH

    The Philippine General Hospital (PGH), a beacon of hope for so many Filipinos, is facing a crisis. A crisis not of treatable illnesses, but of a lack of resources to treat them. Today, I want to talk about the shortage of beds and medical professionals crippling PGH's ability to care for indigent patients.

    We all know someone who has relied on PGH's services. It's a lifeline for those who can't afford private healthcare. But what happens when that lifeline becomes strained? Patients, many critically ill, are turned away due to a lack of available beds. Imagine the despair, the fear, of being denied treatment because there's nowhere to lay you down.

    This isn't just about beds; it's about the overworked and understaffed medical professionals. These dedicated individuals are stretched thin, unable to provide the level of care each patient deserves. Burnout and compassion fatigue become real threats, further jeopardizing the quality of care.

    This situation demands action. I urge the Department of Health (DOH) to take a serious look at PGH's needs. Increased funding is crucial to expand bed capacity and hire more medical staff. We need a long-term plan to ensure PGH can continue serving the Filipino people effectively.

    To our esteemed President Bongbong Marcos Jr. and Vice President Sara Duterte, I implore you to prioritize the health of our nation. Investing in PGH is an investment in the well-being of countless Filipinos.

    We cannot stand by and watch this vital institution crumble. We need strong leadership and a commitment to ensuring quality healthcare for all.

    What can you do as an ordinary Filipino? 
    • Share this post. Let your voice be heard.
    • Contact your representatives and urge them to prioritize healthcare funding.
    • Donate to organizations that support PGH.

    Together, we can make a difference. PGH's patients deserve better, and with your help, we can make it a reality.

    #SavePGH #HealthcareForAll #SupportOurDoctors

    Wednesday, May 22, 2024

    Temple of the Golden Pavilion

    Kinkaku-ji (金閣寺, lit. 'Temple of the Golden Pavilion'), officially named Rokuon-ji (鹿苑寺, lit. 'Deer Garden Temple'), is a Zen Buddhist temple in Kyoto, Japan.

    Saturday, May 18, 2024

    De La Salle University: Full Scholarship for PhD Students with P35,000 Monthly Allowance

    Good news peeps! 

    De La Salle University (DLSU) is giving away a fantastic opportunity for doctorate students! They are offering a full scholarship program called the Saint Miguel Febres Cordero PhD Scholarship Program, which covers full tuition and miscellaneous fees. But that's not all! Scholars will also receive a monthly stipend of P35,000 for four years.

    This prestigious scholarship is open to applicants admitted to any of DLSU's PhD programs, including both straight PhD programs and those following an MA-PhD track. The best part? Financial need is not a deciding factor! All qualified applicants are encouraged to apply, regardless of their background.

    Here's why this scholarship is truly impactful:

    Financial Freedom: Focus on your research and studies without worrying about tuition or living expenses. The P35,000 monthly stipend allows you to fully dedicate yourself to your academic pursuits.

    Open to All: This scholarship program removes financial barriers, making a PhD education accessible to deserving students from all walks of life.

    Prestigious Recognition

    Being chosen as a Saint Miguel Febres Cordero scholar is a mark of academic excellence and will undoubtedly enhance your future career prospects.

    Standing Out from the Crowd:

    While admission to a DLSU PhD program is the primary requirement, an endorsement from a faculty member in your desired department can strengthen your application. Reach out to professors whose research aligns with your interests and demonstrate your passion and qualifications.

    Beyond the Scholarship:

    There's no mandatory service requirement after graduation, and you won't be penalized if your PhD studies extend beyond the typical four-year timeframe. The scholarship provides flexibility and support to ensure your academic success

    Ready to Take the Next Step?

    Visit the DLSU website for a complete list of PhD programs and to learn more about the application process. You can also reach out to the university directly at for further inquiries.

    After all, pursuing a PhD degree with a scholarship program from De La Salle University could be the perfect stepping 
    stone for you. Check the official DLSU website  to learn more about the application process and deadlines.



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