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Today, I receive all God’s love for me. Today, I open myself to the unbounded, limitless, overflowing abundance of God’s Universe. Today, I open myself to your Blessings, healing and miracles.Today, I open myself to God’s Word so that I become more like Jesus Everyday. Today, I proclaim that I’m God’s Beloved, I’m God’s Servant, I’m God’s powerful champion, And because I am blessed, I will bless the world, In Jesus Name, Amen.

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The Great Wall of China in Mutianyu

The Great Wall of China is referred to in Mandarin as Wanli Changcheng (10,000-Li Long Wall or simply very long wall) BEIJING, CHINA- S...

Tuesday, May 26, 2020



NOVUHAIR®, the leading natural hair loss treatment in the Philippines, partnered with The Fit Filipino (FITFIL) Movement lead by Coach Jim & Toni Saret, the brand’s VIP Fitness Coaches, to a FREE 20-day Facebook Live workout aimed at improving your wellness quotient goals through a “Bulletproof Immune System Activity Booster”. 

I personally attended these workouts everyday at 4 p.m. from Monday to Friday. Then on Saturdays, there's a question and answer portion where the duo personally answer all questions via FB live. Instant questions and instant answers. 

The lovely couple make this Saturdate with the members more personalized and worthwhile by answering topics ranging from fitness to nutrition. 

If you know me personally, maybe you'll be bewildered how on earth did I ended up doing exercises? Well, guess what? It is because I felt how passionate Coach Toni and Coach Jim in giving tips and encouragement to each and every person at the other end of the screen. Try to attend a session and I bet you, you could feel their passion. Tumatagos sa screen Yun love nila to educate people to boosts their immune system at this time of pandemic. Bow Po ako Sa kanilang mag-asawa Coach Jim and lalong lalo na sa napaka passionate at umaaabot ng lampas dalawang oras ang supposedly na 30 minutes FB live show πŸ’ƒ Coach ToniπŸ’πŸ₯³

Maraming salamat poπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

With their permission, I am really proud to be a part of this wonderful group πŸ’• here are some of the posts of my fellow members at The Fit Fil movement group: 


This workout program is designed to help beginners and complement the workout of those with active exercise routines. 

For those who would like to join the program you could still catch up from May 18 until May 29, 2020. Happening everyday from Monday to Friday at 4pm live on Facebook 


Learn more at

Optimism Adds Resilience

Optimism is a crucial factor on how we choose to navigate our journey to success. Businesses, institutions and various groups have a significant role to play in fostering this especially in times of crisis.

From the start of this pandemic, profuse optimism, coupled with genuine concern among key stakeholders in weathering the storm, is evident in the support and proactive measures of Pascual Total Health Incorporated, the holding company of Bionutra Innovations Inc., the company subsidiary marketing the leading natural hair loss treatment in the Philippines, NOVUHAIR® – nature’s answer to hair loss.

Discover more at
#NovuhairCares #NothingToLoseNovuhair #ChooseNatural #BelieveInYourselfNovuhair

Monday, May 4, 2020

LOOK: Here are the differences between ECQ and GCQ

LOOK: Here are the differences between ECQ (enhanced community quarantine) and GCQ (general community quarantine). 

After MAY 15, 2020, Metro Manila will be under GCQ too. So, it is important that we know the rules about GCQ now.

The decision of the Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF-EID) is based on the risk of outbreak of COVID-19 in various provinces.

Those GCQ areas shall observe the following:

- Select workers will be allowed to go out and work in phases.
- Those aged below 21 and above 60, and high health risk individuals shall continue to stay at home. Hey, this is for your own good believe me.
- Partial opening of non-leisure shops and malls 
- Mandatory temperature check
- Mandatory wearing of masks,
- Mandatory use of alcohol
- Resumption of classes in higher education institutions
- Resumption of priority and essential construction projects
- Resumption of public transportation at a reduced capacity
- Curfew for non-workers
- Continued unhampered movement of goods.

Click here for the list of industries ALLOWED to operate in GCQ areas:

Click here for the list of industries RESTRICTED to operate in GCQ areas:

Click here for the list of areas covered by the extended ECQ until May 15, 2020:

Click here for the list of areas under GCQ starting May 1, 2020:




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