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Today, I receive all God’s love for me. Today, I open myself to the unbounded, limitless, overflowing abundance of God’s Universe. Today, I open myself to your Blessings, healing and miracles.Today, I open myself to God’s Word so that I become more like Jesus Everyday. Today, I proclaim that I’m God’s Beloved, I’m God’s Servant, I’m God’s powerful champion, And because I am blessed, I will bless the world, In Jesus Name, Amen.

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Friday, December 2, 2016

ILOCOS SUR: Fast Facts

ILOCOS SUR: Fast Facts

Did you know that? 

Vigan City was recently adjudge as one of the New 7 Wonders City and UNESCO World Heritage city? Cool isn't it? 

Vigan City has a special place in my heart because of its amazingly restored old churches, museums and houses. It reminds me of the old town in the capital city of Penang in Malaysia called Georgetown. 

Famous landmarks of Vigan

Calle Crisologo

You could not deny the fact that Vigan City is world famous. Especially its world renowned street in the heart of VIgan -- Calle Crisologo. The whole stretch of Calle Crisologo has antique architecture and historical houses, its road is filled with old cobblestone. From time to time horse-drawn carriage passes by and offer "Kalesa Tours".  Walked back in time and experience a wonderful time as you do your selfie and snapshots. You could even go live on Facebook and let your family and friends watch you in real time as you do your tour of this famous landmark. Go visit Vigan and be transported to a place where the old world meets the new.


The city is also famous for Baluarte, owned by Chavit Singson, a rich politician up North. His one-of-a-kind zoo is open to the public for free. For me, it is the happiest place up North. Animals that resides there includes a bunch of ponies, ostrich, deer, tigers, python, parrots, alpacas, giraffe, ducks, turkeys, horses. Aside from its butterfly garden, Baluarte also has albino anaconda, Palawan bearcat, raptors and reptiles. All of the animals in Baluarte are exceptionally well taken care of. And you can have your picture taken with the animals up close and personal with zero charge. Yes, they don't charge anything if you visit and go sightseeing, even if you ride the small kalesa ( carriage ) which is being pulled by the ponies.

Pinsal Falls

The largest falls in Ilocos Sur.

PINSAL FALLS: Ilocos Sur Off The Beaten Path Destination

PINSAL FALLS: Ilocos Sur Off The Beaten Path Destination

The province of Ilocos is not only world famous for its heritage houses and cobblestoned road but also because of its people, food and falls!

Way back in 2008,  I had a chance to visit Ilocos with my classmate.  I had a kalesa tour in Vigan and was brought to different parts of Ilocos Sur by my classmate's family who happened to be based in Sto. Domingo, Ilocos Sur.

Fast forward to 2016, I finally met in person travel blogger par excellence Edmar Guquib. He served as our guide on our last day in Vigan.  This time around, he guided us to the off the beaten path destination of Ilocos, the Pinsal Falls!  

Pinsal Falls is so beautiful! We were smitten by its beauty!  It is conveniently located in the town of Santa Maria in the province of Ilocos Sur.  Which is a short bus and tricycle away from our hotel.  With a height of approximately 85 feet, it is known for being the largest waterfalls in Ilocos.

The majestic landscape somewhat gives me a sense of calm.  It is only a few minutes walk from where our hired trikes parked.  I really thought it would be very difficult for a person with disability like me.   I am a ruptured brain aneurysm survivor and my sense of balance is really off.  But it was worth the journey.  When we reached the falls and upon seeing the view up close and personal,  I have to admit that these kind of beauty is what I really missed from my 5-year hiatus.  The view from the nipa hut where we sat was really breathtaking! 

Bring food with you and don't go there without a local guide.  If ever you need a guide,  I highly recommend Edmar Guquib.  He's not only knowledgeable about Ilocos Sur, Ilocos Norte and Abra, he is also very passionate about the place of his birth.

Get discounts on various tours with Edmar by telling him that Cha Sy recommended you.

God bless us all and enjoy your trip.


Please Follow me on twitter and instagram: yummytales



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