Aloha! Hawaii's so called best burger has been operating in the Philippines for almost two(2) years now!
But due to other priorities such as my medical treatment expenses and other priorities we were not able to try this joint way back in 2014.
Good thing, somebody held an event at Teddy's that's why I got to taste the world famous Teddy's burgers that are hand crafted, flame broiled and dressed exactly the way you want it to be.
Like its rivals, Teddy's Burger also offer chicken wings and thighs. The chicken is very delicious!
Its fries has a lot of cheese and really yummy!
The bigger the better?
#TeddysBiggerBurgersPH #BIGGERisBETTER
Its fries has a lot of cheese and really yummy!
The bigger the better?
#TeddysBiggerBurgersPH #BIGGERisBETTER