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Today, I receive all God’s love for me. Today, I open myself to the unbounded, limitless, overflowing abundance of God’s Universe. Today, I open myself to your Blessings, healing and miracles.Today, I open myself to God’s Word so that I become more like Jesus Everyday. Today, I proclaim that I’m God’s Beloved, I’m God’s Servant, I’m God’s powerful champion, And because I am blessed, I will bless the world, In Jesus Name, Amen.

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Saturday, April 18, 2015

JASMINE CURTIS SMITH: World Vision Newest Youth Ambassador

JASMINE CURTIS SMITH: World Vision Newest Youth Ambassador

“The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mole,but true beauty in a Woman is reflected in her soul. It is the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she knows.” -Audrey Hepburn

Congratulations, Jasmine Curtis Smith for being hailed as the newest Youth Ambassador of World Vision!

Jasmine now joins the ranks of World Vision Ambassadors that include Sam Concepcion, Lea Salonga, Nikki Gil, Sam Milby, Marc Nelson, Christian Bautista, Miriam Quiambao, Julius and Tin Tin Babao and Tippy dos Santos.

During her post-birthday celebration held last April 14. at Discovery Suites Ortigas. Jasmine was awarded the title "World Vision Youth Ambassador" before members of the press by World Vision Executive Director Josaias dela Cruz.

Unknown to many, the 21 year-old actress has been volunteering at World Vision ever since she was still a student in Australia. 

Yes, my dear! You read it right! Anne's little sister, Jasmine, has been involved with World Vision even before she was even active in show business. 

As a student in Australia, Jasmine participated in World Vision's worldwide campaign against hunger and malnutrition dubbed "Famine" in Canada, Taiwan, Australia and New Zealand. In the Philippines, Jasmine promoted the 12-Hour Famine in 2012 with her older sister, fellow-actress Anne Curtis. 

Both Jasmine and Anne have sponsored children at World Vision.

"I really like the concept of 'Famine.' It's going without food for a number of hours to raise awareness on malnutrition, which is one of the biggest problems that impact children, globally," shares the 21-year-old actress.

"In Famine, we only go without food for at least half a day, but in the case of severely malnourished children, hunger is like a lifestyle. To understand how hunger feels like is to empathize with them and compel us to do something to alleviate their suffering."

In 2011, when Jasmine was just starting her acting career, she joined the relief operations in Bulacan where there was severe flooding caused by monsoon rains, affecting over 2,000 families. When typhoon Maring crippled some parts of Metro Manila in 2013, Jasmine and fellow WV Ambassador Tippy Dos Santos helped in the distribution of relief goods to more than 1,500 survivor-families.

Jasmine's involvement in emergency response extended to post-recovery where she helped survivors get back on their feet once again. After the devastating 7-2 magnitude earthquake that rocked Bohol in 2013, Jasmine volunteered, along with other sponsors, in the rebuilding of houses -- the petite and charming actress was seen holding carpenter's tools in order to give back to the survivors the life they had lost during the calamity.

"Being on the ground has made me more socially aware. It has made me see how much help is needed, and that makes me want to give more -- whether of my resources or my time," Jasmine shares during a presscon.

More recently, Jasmine joined the 'White Event,' an online celebrity auction where proceeds will be used for the rehabilitation of a public school in Malabon City. In the launch last March 27 at the Makati Shangrila, she was joined by seasoned performers Tessie Tomas and Celeste Legaspi. Jasmine donated a pair of her favorite rubber shoes, among other items.

When asked what she would advise young people who wish to help but do not yet have the financial capacity to do so, Jasmine had this to say:

"Financial limitations should not stop a person from helping others. There are many other ways in which you can lend a hand."

"You can invite other people to help financially by seeking small donations from them. One way is to spread the word. For young people, it's not how much money you can give, but how far you can deliver the message. The youth of today has such an influence on their peers and family. I believe it is important for us to help make people aware of these efforts," she adds.

For his part, dela Cruz welcomes Jasmine to World Vision's roster of celebrity ambassadors and cites reasons for choosing the actress to be its representative to the youth. 

"Jasmine embodies the very qualities we look for in an ambassador. She is both youthful and mature -- listen to her speak and you will see that she has wisdom beyond her years. And she really, really loves children," says dela Cruz.

"Her celebrity status did not hinder her from really going on the ground -- at the risk of getting dirty, or even hungry, for the sake of helping others. That, for us, is a very endearing quality -- her genuine concern and love for children, is exemplary. That is the kind of inspiration and concern for others we hope the Filipino youth would aspire for," he adds.

Beautiful inside and out, that's what Jasmin is. Stay good. Stay beautiful inside and out! Good luck!

#Eagle21, #Jasmine, #JasmineCurtisSmith #BeautifulInsideOut

MEDICARD: One of the Strongest HMOs in the PH

MEDICARD: One of the Strongest HMOs in the PH

You have MediCard – Why worry?

Do you want to know the reasons why MediCard holders are worry free? Then you have two options: You can either watch this special video presentation or read more.



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