Good news o faithful!
When I first heard about the free twitter, the first question that comes to my mind is, how?
And that is what I research on the net today, to know how to avail of the free twitter. I learned that Smart, Sun and Talk ’N Text are partnering with Twitter and will offer FREE Twitter on mobile as a public service to the millions of Filipinos who wants to share their thoughts and experiences at the upcoming visit of Pope Francis on January 15 to 19, 2015.
More details of the Pope’s visit, including #DearPopeFrancis Tweets, videos, stories and the Pope’s itinerary, can be found at
“With this collaboration, Smart and Twitter aim to allow more Filipinos to get involved and immerse in this historic experience with Pope Francis, who our Catholic nation hold very dear to our heart,” said Napoleon L. Nazareno, president and CEO, PLDT and Smart.
All you have to do is to just, text DEARPOPE to 9999 starting January 15. This is a one time registration for the free Twitter service.
We all now that Pope Francis has an official Twitter account @Pontifex, you can now have a FREE access and tweet your aspirations and messages to the beloved Pope using #DearPopeFrancis.
Subscribers may also post real-time updates, upload photos, and even reach out to him through Twitter with no extra cost.