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Today, I receive all God’s love for me. Today, I open myself to the unbounded, limitless, overflowing abundance of God’s Universe. Today, I open myself to your Blessings, healing and miracles.Today, I open myself to God’s Word so that I become more like Jesus Everyday. Today, I proclaim that I’m God’s Beloved, I’m God’s Servant, I’m God’s powerful champion, And because I am blessed, I will bless the world, In Jesus Name, Amen.

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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

XIN TIAN DI MANILA: New Heaven on Earth Dimsum Buffet

XIN TIAN DI MANILA: New Heaven on Earth Dimsum Buffet 
Xin Tian Di Manila is Crowne Plaza Galleria Hotel's resident Chinese restaurant and it offers unlimited dimsum buffet. Located at the 4th level of Crowne Plaza Galleria Hotel.

It prides itself to being able to cater to the most discriminating and fastidious Asian palates in all of us. Oh, please don't get me wrong. Its dimsum buffet is not only confined to dimsum alone, it also has basic staples like everybody's favorite Yang Chow Fried Rice, wanton beef noodle soup, congee and a lot more. Well, correct me if I am wrong, I think the only missing parts are the fruits and salads.

Passing by the hallway of Crowne Plaza Galleria Hotel, we saw this wall advertisement labeled Tempting Tuesdays. 
This surely made me want to try its unlimited dimsum.  It got me and my brother really curious. Well, if I remember it right, the first time I encountered the word Xin Tian Di was when I was in Shanghai, China, where I proceeded to Xintiandi after visiting The Bund. In Shanghai, Xintiandi is a trendy car-free district, lined with bars, restaurants and world-class shops and boutiques, housed in renovated traditional Shanghai-style lane houses (shikumen) featuring a unique blend of European and Chinese design.
Xin Tian Di (Chinese: 新天地; pinyin: Xīntiāndì) literally means "New Heaven and Earth".

As I walk through the restaurant's front door, I got this feeling of nostalgia. It makes me think about my food adventures in China. The place is really nice and fancy as one would expect from a hotel’s restaurant. 
The staff are very courteous and accommodating. Plus, they're always smiling. That's truly a service with a smile.
Upon entering the restaurant, you will be ushered in to your table.
We walked past the restaurant's wine selections on the right side.

Here, guests could choose their favorite magazines and Chinese newspapers. They can read while waiting for their order.
The decors and figurines are really nice. 
The round tables have ample space between them. You won't feel crowded at all. 

The booths have high backs and almost feel private.

For our food photos and review please click here!

My Birthday celebration. Please click here.



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