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Today, I receive all God’s love for me. Today, I open myself to the unbounded, limitless, overflowing abundance of God’s Universe. Today, I open myself to your Blessings, healing and miracles.Today, I open myself to God’s Word so that I become more like Jesus Everyday. Today, I proclaim that I’m God’s Beloved, I’m God’s Servant, I’m God’s powerful champion, And because I am blessed, I will bless the world, In Jesus Name, Amen.

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Friday, July 26, 2013

NEW WORLD MAKATI HOTEL: Launches 2 Facebook Apps

NEW WORLD HOTEL MAKATI: Launches 2 Facebook Apps
New World Makati Hotel launched its latest social media apps over a delicious dinner at The Glass House located at the second level of New World Makati Hotel last week.
Invited bloggers had the first view of these milestones for New World Makati Hotel. It felt nice that world class hotels like New World Makati Hotel now embraces the most popular and effective social media platforms to actively communicate with the world. With over 8,000 likes to date, New World Makati Hotel’s Facebook Fan Page has become an avenue for sharing the hotel’s latest news, promotions and offerings.
This July, the hotel launches two Facebook apps geared towards providing more interactive and personal connections.

"The “In Touch” Facebook app gives everyone fast and easy access to the hotel’s front liners," quips Ms. Nini Icban, Director of Communications of New World Makati Hotel.
Eager to receive and respond to the messages are New World Makati Hotel’s General Manager Farid Shoucair, Resident Manager Eddy Sarton, Director of Sales & Marketing Jann Delgado, Director of Communications Nini Icban, Director of Rooms Joy Barleta, Director of Food & Beverage Paawan Engineer, Director of Human Resources Geuel Auste, and Club Epicure.
Everybody are invited to send messages, inquiries, and other concerns to significant representatives from various areas of the hotel. If you need to get IN TOUCH with New World Makati Hotel, you can check out its IN TOUCH FACEBOOK APPLICATION through this link: They are looking forward to hearing from you!
New World Makati Hotel likewise sparks creativity with the #IHeartNewWorld Photo Sharing Contest on Instagram. 
So, it’s time to wander the streets of Makati and come up with the most unique photos while doing the “I Heart” pose and adding the hash tag #IHeartNewWorld. Entries with the most number of "likes" win prizes and giveaways from the hotel. To join, follow the registration details and mechanics posted on the hotel's Facebook Page.
In Touch and #IHeartNewWorld are now accessible to all online. Simply "like" New World Makati Hotel’s Facebook Fan Page and follow the hotel’s Twitter and Instagram accounts (@newworldmakati) for the latest news.

For more information, please call New World Makati Hotel at 811-6888.



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