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Today, I receive all God’s love for me. Today, I open myself to the unbounded, limitless, overflowing abundance of God’s Universe. Today, I open myself to your Blessings, healing and miracles.Today, I open myself to God’s Word so that I become more like Jesus Everyday. Today, I proclaim that I’m God’s Beloved, I’m God’s Servant, I’m God’s powerful champion, And because I am blessed, I will bless the world, In Jesus Name, Amen.

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The Great Wall of China in Mutianyu

The Great Wall of China is referred to in Mandarin as Wanli Changcheng (10,000-Li Long Wall or simply very long wall) BEIJING, CHINA- S...

Monday, June 3, 2013

MACAO: Inside Venetian Hotel

MACAO: Inside Venetian Hotel

Immediately upon entering the Venetian Hotel, you will be greeted by golden hues from floor to ceiling, signifying great opulence and grandeur.  
Those Renaissance-style paintings on the ceiling are really sights to behold.  
At the middle of the lobby lies a golden globe made of rings surrounded by four (4) naked women statues and guarded by four (4) lions at its base. The musician on my left played beautiful music on his accordion, making our stay more fun.
Venetian Macao is said to be a replica of the Venetian hotel in Las Vegas. This hotel boasts of an astounding 980,000-square meter-area thereby owning the title of being the largest single structure hotel building in Asia and the fifth-largest building in the world by area.

From the second floor of the Venetian® Macao-Resort-Hotel, you could take a peek of the casino area where those under 21 years of age (per Macao law), picture taking, cameras, laptops and luggage are not allowed. Cameras, laptops and luggage may be deposited at the cloakroom (a room where coats and other articles may be left temporarily) of the hotel. 

In an attempt to prevent young people from becoming pathological gamblers, the Legislative Assembly of Macao passed a law (No. 10/2012) increasing the age of those allowed to work or play in casinos from 18 to 21. This law took effect last November 1, 2012.

Those breaking the law shall be fined up to a maximum penalty of MOP10,000 and shall have their bets and payouts confiscated while the respective casino company shall be fined up to a maximum penalty of MOP500,000 for not complying with its supervisory duties.

Anyway, there is more to Macao than casinos. You can shop, savor various Macanese delicacies, take the Gondola ride at the Grand Canal, take the Sky Walk, Mast Climb or, if you are brave enough, the World's Biggest and Highest Bungee jump from the Macao Tower, visit World Heritage sites, gardens, museums, galleries, temples, churches and other historical sites or simply see shows for free such as Tree of Prosperity, Dragon of Fortune, Lights and Sound Shows and Performance Lake shows. 
This is a huge picture of a Rhinoceros which looks so real that I could practically grab its horn.
After roaming around for several hours, I became thirsty that I almost wanted to drink the water from the small fountain beside the wall of Venetian Hotel.

Freshen Your Breath with Swish® Alcohol-Free Mouthwash

Freshen Your Breath with Swish® Alcohol-Free Mouthwash

Comedian Vice Ganda often jokes about his dragon breath in Showtime, a noontime show at ABS-CBN TV network. But that's just it- a joke. In real life, no one would like to be labelled as the one with the garlic breath, halitosis or malodor, known as bad breath in simple terms.

As we all know, everybody has a nasty breath at some point, like when you wake up in the morning. Bad breath is often caused by a buildup of bacteria in your mouth that causes inflammation and gives off noxious odors or gases that smell like sulfur -- or worse. 

It can be embarrassing and tough to have bad breath. Most especially when you get close to your crush or even when you talk to your friends. The last thing you want your crush to catch is a whiff of your dragon breath. 

What Causes Bad Breath?

Studies show that about 80% of bad breath comes from an oral source. For instance, cavities or gum disease can lead to bad breath, as can tonsils that have trapped food particles; cracked fillings, and less-than-clean dentures.

Several internal medical conditions can 
also cause you bad breath. It includes the following:
  1.  diabetes
  2.  liver disease
  3.  respiratory tract infections
  4.  chronic bronchitis
  5.  You may want to see your doctor to rule out things like acid refluxpostnasal drip, and other causes of chronic dry mouth (xerostomia).
How to Beat Bad Breath?

To ensure that your breath smells so fresh and clean do the following:
  • Visit your dentist at least every six months.
  • Don't smoke or use other tobacco products. 
  • Cut back on alcohol. 
  • Chew sugarless gum. 
  • Avoid sugary breath mint
  • Eat a healthy, balanced diet and regular meals.
  • Drink a lot of water.
  • Avoid breath busters such as garlic, onions, and some other spicy foods. Chronic garlic users cannot only have chronic bad breath, they also often have body odor.
  • Don't drink too much coffee.
  • Make it a habit to brush your teeth after every meal.
  • Floss your teeth.
  • Gargle with Mouthwash.

One of the mouthwash brands that I tried is Swish® Mouthwash. The manufacturer of the product is Unilab and it claims that it is ready to use- no need to add water plus Swish® is alcohol-free. It is safe to use, more enjoyable to gargle and most importantly it does not leave you with a dry mouth.

Swish® has Surefresh™ Technology, kills bad breath-causing bacteria, helps prevent the plaque build up and Gingivitis. Swish® is great for the whole family since it's alcohol-free so it can be used by children as young as six (6) years old and above, the elderly, diabetics, pregnant women, anyone taking certain prescription medication and even by Cancer patients.

Dental hygiene is essential to young and old alike. It is not enough that you take care of your pearly whites but neglect to clean your tongue and live with a dragon breath.

I've tested a couple of mouthwash in the market just to see which one I would stick to the most. Some mouthwash stings like a bee because of its alcohol content. My favorite is a top of the line brand of mouthwash because it is much more effective in keeping the dreaded "morning breath" at bay plus it is alcohol-free so it is sting free. I am really happy with it.

With my trial and error experiment, I learned that not all mouthwash are created equal.  My preferred brand cost more than double than other brands. So, that's a big setback because I am on a tight budget! 

I almost give up using mouthwash because my preferred brand cost me an arm and leg. And it put a dent on my pocket. Finding myself on tight end, I tried to look for a lot less expensive alternative. I browse rows and rows of mouthwash at the supermarket shelf and stumbled upon Swish® Alcohol-Free Mouthwash!
Because I hate the sting of alcohol laden mouthwash. I prefer alcohol-free mouthwash. Unilab have some crazy flavors you wouldn't normally think possible. They have Mangosteen, Mint, Arctic Chill, Peppermint Fresh, and Cinnamon Blast.

Today,  I tried "Swishing" my mouth with cinnamon and mangosteen flavors. Guess what?  I like both the cinnamon and mangosteen flavor!  

It just felt a little weird, that though Unilab claimed that they formulated the Swish mouthwash to be alcohol-free I still feel a little sting. I don't know if it was just due to the fact that I've used the other brand for years. Based on my own personal experience the other brand has absolutely no sting.

Swish® Alcohol-Free Mouthwash has a fresh minty aftertaste which I love. Being on the more affordable side, this could easily fit on my budget. Alcohol-free could be a plus for people who have a rather low-tolerance to pain. 

Verdict: You ought to try it too. Who knows, you might like it for yourself just like me!



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