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Today, I receive all God’s love for me. Today, I open myself to the unbounded, limitless, overflowing abundance of God’s Universe. Today, I open myself to your Blessings, healing and miracles.Today, I open myself to God’s Word so that I become more like Jesus Everyday. Today, I proclaim that I’m God’s Beloved, I’m God’s Servant, I’m God’s powerful champion, And because I am blessed, I will bless the world, In Jesus Name, Amen.

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Thursday, January 24, 2013

TOFARM Awards:2013 Outstanding Farmer Recognized

TOFARM Awards:2013 Outstanding Farmer Recognized

Thanks to the support of JCIP, UHI and LGUs, our local farmers are now being given awards and recognition they long deserve. As we all know food is becoming scarcer since agricultural lands are being converted left and right into malls, subdivisions, condominiums, cemetery and what have you. It is a fact that unless we shift our priorities to supporting farmers and glamorizing their role in nation-building, we are going to have a problem in food supply in the very near future.

It is about time that Filipino people start planting vegetables and fruits in their backyards or even in pots due to the food crisis that we may face soon. 

TOFARM, a search and awards program launched last July by the Junior Chamber International Philippines (JCIP) and Universal Harvester Inc. (UHI) aims to refocus attention on the importance and viability of agriculture as an industry and vocation.

Twenty-seven notable representatives of the agricultural sector were hailed Farmer of the Year by a board of judges composed of industry leaders and recognized specialists in the agricultural sector.

The Tofarm awards night was held at the Raffles Hotel in Makati last Thursday,  Jan. 24, 2013 with guests of honor Sen. Francis Pangilinan, chairman of the Senate Committee on Agriculture and Food, Calamba Mayor Joaquin M. Chipeco Jr. and international farming experts.

The Search and Award of “The Outstanding Farmers of the Philippines” is a program of the Junior Chamber International Philippines (JCIP) and the Universal Harvester, Incorporated. 

JCI Philippines is the organization that brought “The Outstanding Young Men (TOYM)” and “The Outstanding Filipino (TOFIL)”.

This search and award for farmers is an initiative since the early 70’s by JCIP (formerly Jaycees) and Planters Product. An Awards Program in recognition of the Resiliency, Ingenuity, and the Strength of our hard working Filipino farmers. 

The program is anchored in promoting farming in the youth sector of all classes. The search will be inclusive and participative, expanding from public to private sector stakeholders in agriculture, fisheries and livestock.

This project is open to all Filipino farmers, fisherfolk, animal raisers, cooperatives, farm communities, organizations, education/academe, agricultural scientist, LGUs and public employees, and business entities in both rural and urban areas/centers.

We would like to congratulate Mamerto B. Rarangol of San Mateo, Isabela, a farmer who champions the value of education and the use of the scientific method to maximize farming yields and make every square foot of his land productive was named Farmer of the Year at the TOFARM Awards Night that honors The Outstanding Filipino Farmers of the Year.

Rarangol, who was also named winner in the farmer category, leads 33 other nominees in various award categories, namely: agriculture cooperative, Local Government Unit, agri-entrepreneur, family farmer, young farmer, farmer, fisher folks, livestock, agri-initiatives, agri-innovator and urban/city farmer.

The other winners are: 
  • LABO Progressive Multi-Purpose Cooperative of Labo, Camarines Norte for Agriculture Cooperative
  • Provincial Government of Pangasinan for Local Government Unit
  • Mary Mediatrix V. Villanueva of Daraga, Albay for Agri-entrepreneur
  • Lilia B. Pelayo and a family of San Pedro, Laguna for family farmer
  • Remigio T. Villamayor Jr. of Calamba, Laguna for young farmer
  • Ferdinand B. Mari of Alicia, Isabela for fisherfolks
  • Don Bosco Agro-Mechanical Technology Center of Legaspi City for agri-initiative
  • Bienvenido R. Baligod of San Pedro, Laguna for agri-innovator 
  • Rogelio N. Sulad of Mandaue City for urban/city farmer. 
  • Felomina H. Javina of Narra, Palawan who introduced integrated farming and pest management using indigenous materials in her community won the People’s Choice Award. 
  • Narcisa Mikkelson, who together with her husband Keith promotes sustainable organic farming, received a special citation.
The TOFARM winners received plaques and cash incentives for their achievements.
JCIP president Ivan Ruste said JCIP undertook the TOFARM project to remind the youth about their role in active citizenship.

“Agriculture, the backbone industry of the Philippines, cannot be sustained unless we involve our youth and refocus interest in this sector. Through TOFARM, we want to show our youth that farming is a noble profession that is also lucrative and worthwhile. At the same time we want to recognize the role that generations of farmers have contributed to Philippine society and our economy. We thank our organizing partner, Universal Harvester Inc. for supporting this project very generously and inspiring our farmers to reach new heights.”

Universal Harvester, Inc. represented by its executive vice president Mrs. Milagros Ong-How, said UHI fully supports JCIP in paying tribute to Filipino farmers.

“Through the search and awards, TOFARM hopes to make agriculture attractive for the next generation and for the entire country as well. TOFARM will be a continuing program that will help support and inspire the agricultural sector,” Mrs. How added.

Rommel Cunanan, TOFARM project chairman, JCI Philippines, said that besides recognizing the achievements and contributions made by farmers to the Philippine society and the economy, the program also aims to promote farming among younger generations.

The Junior Chamber International is a worldwide federation of young leaders and entrepreneurs aged 18-40.

LAMOIYAN CORPORATION: 25 Years of Hapee Smiles

LAMOIYAN CORPORATION: 25 Years of Hapee Smiles

Lamoiyan Corporation turns 'Silver'. The country’s first homegrown toothpaste, Filipino-owned oral and personal care products manufacturer Lamoiyan Corporation celebrate its 25th anniversary of giving hope, sharing Hapee smiles to Filipinos at Acacia Hotel today, January 24, 2013.
President and CEO, Dr. Cecilio Kwok Pedro of Lamoiyan Corporation presented to the media, trade partners and distributors and VIP guests the achievements of Lamoiyan Corporation for the past 25 years. He relates how his first company, Aluminum Container Inc., sold aluminum toothpaste tubes to foreign firms from 1978 to 1985. However, an unexpected experience happened in 1985. Those companies which he had been supplying aluminum tubes for about 8 years switched into using plastic laminated tubes. So, not for long, Pedro had to close his factory. Undaunted by that failure and with his full faith in God, he decided to try venturing into toothpaste manufacturing, then the domain of multinationals. And so the birth of the first local 100% Filipino-owned toothpaste manufacturing Company in March that same year saw the introduction of the first local toothpaste brand, Hapee toothpaste and later diversifying his product line to include Hapee Kiddie Toothgels, Dazz Dishwashing Paste and Dazz All-Purpose Kitchen Cleaner, Fresher feminine wash and Gumtect, a special gum-formula toothpaste. Since its inception it has consistently maintained world-class quality at par with its foreign counterparts. 
I personally think it is good to note that Dr. Pedro is a staunch supporter of the hearing impaired. Yes, Dr. Pedro has chosen to use his entrepreneurial skills to help provide opportunities to others. Dr. Pedro helps provide free college education to at least 180 deaf-mute students through the Deaf Evangelistic Alliance Foundation, Inc. (DEAF), which he currently chairs. He was recognized by the Department of Education, Culture and Sports for the continuing efforts of D.E.A.F. providing education to the hearing-impaired in alleviating their conditions and providing them with adequate education.
Lamoiyan Corporation also employs over 30 deaf-mute staff, and helps provide them with free housing. To narrow the communication gap between his hearing-impaired and hearing personnel, Dr. Pedro has also required his managers to learn sign language.
“My primary intention is to encourage more businessmen to be socially responsible, to help people and to give back to the community,” Dr. Pedro shares. “Being socially responsible is not only taking care of the hearing impaired, but also taking care of your people. You provide a decent place where they can work safely,” he adds. “I also believe in taking care of my employees’ physical, intellectual, and spiritual well-being.” Of these three aspects, Dr. Pedro puts a premium on creating means by which his people can grow spiritually. His company holds regular Bible studies and prayer meetings to help make food for the soul. Their singular corporate motto is “Making the difference for the Glory of God.”
Dr. Pedro, together with his only son Joel Pedro VP for Sales and Marketing with Peter Paul Ang, Assistant Vice President for New Business Development bared details about several activities currently in the pipeline in relation to its 25th anniversary, which includes tie-ups with organizations such as the Philippine Dental Association (PDA), represented by Dr. Corazon Flores for its nationwide adopt-a-Baranggay project medical/dental missions. 

Joel Pedro VP for Sales and Marketing

Various activities will be conducted in key cities in the Philippines with the support of Lamoiyan’s trade partners. Dr. Pedro also reiterates his support to the deaf mute.
The event also coincided with the company's three-day National Sales Convention that aims to empower and build a stronger business partnership with its valued trade partners.
Themed "Silver," which is also in line with the commemoration of the company's 25 years in the business, this annual conclave serves as a fitting tribute to their trade partners’ substantial contributions to Lamoiyan Corporation’s continued growth. The event also gives the trade partners a preview of Lamoiyan Corporation’s goals and programs for the year, and allows them to look back at the firm’s historic past and further foster camaraderie with one another.
“We believe that celebrating our silver anniversary amid this convention is the perfect opportunity for us to show what God has done for a Christian-Filipino company in a highly competitive oral care industry. With our trade partners present, together we will walk the path to victory,” Dr. Pedro said.
Peter Paul Ang, Assistant Vice President for New Business Development  

Lamoiyan Corporation also stands proud as the first Filipino company that successfully penetrated the local toothpaste industry through its dental care brands, and Kutitap. Since then, its portfolio of products expanded, many of which have earned the love, patrimony and loyalty of consumers here and abroad.

“Many thought then that my decision was unwise but Lamoiyan Corporation’s success throughout the years proved otherwise. It’s been a good 25 years, and we are looking forward to more years together with our trade partners in order to make a difference—all for the glory of God,” Dr. Pedro continues.

To know more about how Lamoiyan Corporation gives hope to Filipinos and shares smiles, visit or



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