CROCS: Lifesaver Shoes
I was wearing my pair of Crocs Shoes when I went to Rockwell Center in Makati City the other week. And boy was I glad that I wore that particular pair of shoes that day. My pair of Crocs Shoes is really a life saver!
Since I was not familiar with the place, a good Samaritan accompanied me to the street near Power Plant Mall at the Rockwell Center. But the good Samaritan had to go to his office so he just directed me to go to a particular building near the Power Plant Mall. I crossed the street alone and double checked with the security guard if I was really walking towards the right direction.
The rain had just stopped that afternoon, that's why the flooring along the driveway of one of the buildings at Rockwell Center was wet and slippery. I walked across the tiled-flooring that looked normal but suddenly I felt my feet slipping out from under me. I panicked! There's no handle I could cling on or anybody who could help me from falling. I prayed hard. It was a good thing that the soles of my shoes are of good quality and maybe because my guardian angel also helped me. I recovered my balance and was saved. That was close! Whew!
Had I not been saved by my reliable pair of shoes with its anti-slip soles, I would have probably ended up with my two feet up in the air, hitting my head on the hard flooring in the process. I could have suffered brain hemorrhage.
Slips, trips or falls account for up to 15% or more of all workers compensation costs and one disabling injury can put out more than a million pesos from your pocket or more. Slip and fall accidents are second only to car accidents in accidental death.
As my relatives and friends know, I am an aneurysm survivor and had a coiling operation on my head so an accident like this is a big NO, NO! It could kill me. The owners of those building should remove those slick tiles because they're very dangerous.
It was a good thing that I invested on a good pair of shoes. The soles of my shoes saved me!
The rainy season in the Philippines is long and wet. Be careful and invest on a good pair of shoes with good soles.
Thank you, Crocs for your good quality shoes. I was saved!
To the owners of of Joya Tower:
Kindly fix your flooring at the ground floor leading to the car park garage please. This is to avoid slip-and-fall accidents.
I wonder if you'll help those people who will get injured within your building premises due to your dangerous slippery floor.
Had I fell and severely injured my head or suffered a serious back and spine injury, would you take care of my hospital bills? What if I needed multiple surgeries and over Php1,000,000.00 in medical treatment?
Most probably the owners of that property would deny liability and would not want to pay anyone for the serious head or back injuries he or she might sustain. They should take note that there is a so-called premises liability not only in the United States but also here in the Philippines. Owners of properties have a legal obligation to keep their properties safe for visitors.
Note: This is not a paid post. I just felt I needed to thank my good quality shoes. Maybe, warn everyone about those slippery tiles and at the same time remind everyone not to scrimp when buying a pair of shoes.
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