Oh, la la! Great News, my friends! The Official List of 2014 Holidays was released by Malacañan Palace through Proclamation No. 655 dated September 25, 2013.
Students will jump for joy because they'll get to enjoy most regular and special holidays that will fall on a weekday.
A. Regular Holidays
1 January (Wednesday) – New Year’s Day
9 April (Wednesday), Araw ng Kagitingan
17 April, Maundy Thursday
18 April, Good Friday
1 May (Thursday), Labor Day
12 June (Thursday), Independence Day
30 July (Wednesday), Eid’l Fitr (tentative date only)
25 August (Monday), National Heroes Day
30 November (Sunday), Bonifacio Day
25 December (Thursday), Christmas Day
30 December (Tuesday), Rizal Day
B. Special (Non-Working) Days
31 January (Friday), Chinese New Year
19 April, Black Saturday
21 August (Thursday), Ninoy Aquino Day
05 October (Sunday), Eid’l Adha (tentative date only)
1 November (Saturday), All Saints Day
24 December (Wednesday)
26 December (Friday), additional non-working day
31 December (Wednesday), additional non-working day
C. Special Holiday (for all schools)
25 February (Tuesday), EDSA Revolution Anniversary
Note: For regular holidays, an employee will be paid in full even if the person does not report for work and will be paid double if he or she does.
For special holidays, the employee will not be paid if he or she doesn’t work but will be entitled to 130 percent of the usual pay if he or she does.
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