Davao police are really serious in implementing security measures to protect the city and its people. More than 2,000 police and military personnel were deployed in the city for Kadayawan, including the 600 additional security from police and military provincial headquarters in Davao Region.
The resolution passed by the Davao City council stated that individuals carrying backpacks will be prohibited from entering the identified routes of the parade and street dance unless properly inspected by security personnel.
Davao police discourages the public from carrying the following types of bags during Indak-indak and Pamulak:
- backpacks
- sling bags
- utility bags
The police will do everything as humanly as possible to secure everybody. They appeal to all to follow the rules set so that you will not be inconvenienced. With regards to parking, no vehicle will be allowed to park along the parade route.
Any vehicle seen parked along the parade routes will be towed. Zero parking starts on the night of August 16, 2013.
By the way, hobbyist photographers who will be covering Indak-Indak sa Kadalanan and Pamulak Kadayawan on Aug. 17 and 18 are advised to get their sticker passes from the City Information Office (Rm. 18, 2nd Floor. City Hall of Davao). Bring with you any valid ID. You can also bring your old Kadayawan IDs or Photo Club IDs.
There will be no coverage fees imposed for non-media photographers and hobbyists for access to Kadayawan events.
Please follow the rules and have a happy Kadayawan! Be safe everyone! Enjoy!
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