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Today, I receive all God’s love for me. Today, I open myself to the unbounded, limitless, overflowing abundance of God’s Universe. Today, I open myself to your Blessings, healing and miracles.Today, I open myself to God’s Word so that I become more like Jesus Everyday. Today, I proclaim that I’m God’s Beloved, I’m God’s Servant, I’m God’s powerful champion, And because I am blessed, I will bless the world, In Jesus Name, Amen.

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The Great Wall of China in Mutianyu

The Great Wall of China is referred to in Mandarin as Wanli Changcheng (10,000-Li Long Wall or simply very long wall) BEIJING, CHINA- S...

Tuesday, April 30, 2013



Hemophilia is a disorder  which occurs because specific genes are not properly working. 

Characterized by the inability for blood to clot properly, hemophilia is a hereditary medical condition that occurs in males more often than in females, and could affect the young as much as the elderly. In special cases, a change in an individual’s genes may also cause him to acquire it within his lifetime. Though hemophilia is rare, the World Federation of Hemophilia states that 75% of people around the world with bleeding disorders have not yet been diagnosed.

April is World Hemophilia month, and Blood Brothers Aid Inc., a non-profit organization based in the Philippines, aims to raise awareness about hemophilia in the country and to get more Filipinos to recognize the problem and help through blood or monetary donations.

Hemophilia is an X-linked disorder. Hemophilia is more common in males because males have only one X chromosome. Hemophilia is usually not seen in females because females have two X chromosomes and one X chromosome can mask the problem of the other. Instead, the female is a carrier of the disease. She has the potential of passing on hemophilia to her children. Recent advances in genetic testing allow women from families with hemophilia to learn whether they are carriers and therefore at risk for having children with hemophilia.

Do you know someone who may suffer from hemophilia?

Following an injury, a person with hemophilia may take a longer time to heal from his wounds because his blood lacks the protein (clotting factor) instrumental in clotting.

The usual symptoms of hemophilia include deep bruising, joint pain and swelling caused by internal bleeding, spontaneous bleeding (e.g. nosebleeds), or prolonged bleeding from cuts, after surgery, or after a tooth extraction.

Hemophilia can be diagnosed by taking a blood sample and measuring the level of clotting factor activity in the blood.

Help bring treatment to the Philippines.

Hemophilia is mainly treated with replacement therapy. Clotting factor concentrates taken from healthy blood is injected into a hemophiliac’s bloodstream. Once it reaches the affected area, bleeding is expected to slow down and eventually stop. This treatment has to be done shortly after injury so as to avoid further pain, as well as damage to the person’s muscles, joints, and organs.

Clotting factor concentrates, however, are not readily available in the Philippines. International groups or volunteers ship medicine in from other countries, though supplies are minimal. In the absence of these drugs, a person in need of replacement therapy would require blood or plasma transfusions, and are at the mercy of the limited supply of blood available in hospitals. There are reported incidents of deaths among hemophiliacs due to the long wait for blood donations.

That’s why it is important for those who might show signs of having hemophilia to be diagnosed at the soonest possible time. It is also why more Filipinos need to be made aware of the disorder, so that we can help provide the support and treatments necessary for people who suffer from it.

Become a Blood Brother.

Take the first step into helping by joining the Blood Brothers Aid Inc. community through their Facebook Page The page will guide you in learning more about hemophilia, how to help, where to donate, and how to spread the word.

Note: Please consult your treatment center or physician before pursuing any course of treatment.

FREE Summer Art Workshop for Kids Aged 6-12 years old

FREE Summer Art Workshop for Kids Aged 6-12 years old

The best things in life are free! I saw this from sir Richard Mamuyac's post and I am sharing it with you my dear readers!

Attention: Mommy and Daddy, Aunt and Uncle, Grandpa and Grandma.

Do you have a child aged 6-12 years old who loves art? Loves to doodle or paint?

You might want to enroll them to an art workshop this summer to improve their talent. How much is the fee? Nada, 'coz it is absolutely FREE!

Junior Inquirer, together with Tang, will hold a FREE Cartoon Sketching Summer workshop for kids this May 4, 2013 at the PDI Multi-Purpose area in Makati City.

The session will be facilitated by Inquirer Arts and JI resident cartoonist Steph Bravo in two batches:

First batch: 9am-12nn 

Second batch: 1:00pm-4pm

To register, please email the following to with the subject "Junior Inquirer Summer Workshop"not later than April 30, 2013.
  • your child's name
  • age
  • complete address
  • contact details 
  • preferred batch 
Slots are limited and are on a first-come, first served basis so hurry and register now!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

UNITED NATIONS: The World We Want Philippines Project 2015

UNITED NATIONS:  The World We Want Philippines Project 2015
"Each one of us is a part of a part, each of which is a part of a whole".  

A VOICE FOR THOSE WHO NEED TO BE HEARD! The United Nations turns to the digital platform to give more opportunities to have your voices heard. 
I recently pledged to do my part in making this world a better place. 

When my friend Barbie Barbieto asked me if I want to be a part of The World We Want Philippines project of the United Nations for bloggers,  I readily agreed. After all, each one of us is a part of the whole.  

Like any developmental organization, the UN has a bunch of goals that it has set for a certain period and the current set of goals will be reached in 2015. It is beginning to draft its plans for 2015 onwards but this time, it wants input from people it would not otherwise reach. To do this, it is turning to the internet. 
It has put up a poll and are asking people like you and me to vote to nominate what we think are the six most pressing issues that the world is facing. Do you want the world leaders to hear your opinion? Then Vote for the changes that would make the most difference to our world.  The United Nations and partners want to hear from us! 
MY World is a global survey asking you to choose your priorities for a better world. Results will be shared with world leaders in setting the next global development agenda. Tell them about the world you want, because your voice matters. Vote here!  And you might want to like MY World on facebook.  In case some people start to ask for money don't give any because this is only a survey.

In the UN survey form, I was made to answer this question: Which of these are most important for you and your family? Choose six (6). I counted the options it has given and the number reaches fourteen (14) plus an option to suggest a priority. 

In case you are curious of my answers, I am providing my list below:

1. Support for people who can’t work! This means that every person should have enough money to live on, either through employment or government help. When people can’t work, or are affected by events like natural disasters or economic crises, governments should make sure that they and their families won’t go hungry, children won’t drop out of school, and they can get the healthcare and other essential services they need.
2. Freedom from discrimination and persecution.  This means that no person in the world should have their economic, social or political opportunities limited because of their race, ethnicity, religion, disability, sexual preference, or for any other reason, and that no person should fear for their personal safety for the same reasons.
3. Better health care. This means that good quality health services should be available to everyone when they need treatment. Efforts should be made to reduce the impact of infectious and other chronic diseases. Both the funding and the organization of health systems should suit the needs of the country and its citizens.
4. Access to clean water and sanitation. This means that every person should have access to safe water for drinking, cooking and washing, and access to sanitation.
5. Phone and Fast Internet Access. This means that governments and the private sector should make sure that everyone has access to a minimum level of communications technology to get online information and participate in social networks.
6. Protecting forests, rivers and oceans This means that natural resources should be looked after, because people depend on them for food, fuel and other resources. Governments should agree on plans to reduce pollution in oceans and rivers, plant new forests and preserve existing ones, and move towards sustainable agriculture and food systems. Global agreements should protect biodiversity and fragile ecosystems.  

The survey also provided a graph that shows specific age groups and how they voted. See it here.
Please vote as soon as you can. There’s only less than 1000 days left before the current Millennium Development goals’ deadline is reached and come 2015, world leaders will be setting new goals.
It is about time that we do our share in making our world a better place to live in.

Saturday, April 27, 2013



I received this sad news through my e-mail yesterday that will cease operation on May 31, 2013 
following a failed attempt to reinvent itself from being a social networking site to an e-commerce site. Last November 2012, I remember that I was advised by Multiply to get all my photos from my Multiply account because it'll stop social networking services to focus on  e-commerce starting December 2012, targeting the 350 million consumers in Indonesia and the Philippines. It even offered several outrageous promo like the Php5,000 pesos discount/rebate on gadgets earlier this year. Multiply has helped a lot of budding entrepreneurs in the country like my favorite online shops kimstore and dbgadgets.

Here is the e-mail letter:

Dear Multiply Merchant,

We regret to inform you that Multiply will be closing the marketplace on May 6, 2013 and discontinuing all business operations by May 31, 2013.

Multiply will maintain normal site operations through May 6th and will wind things down through to the end of the month. We will use the rest of May to make sure that all accounts are settled and that you receive all funds you earned on the platform. We hope this provides you time needed to identify and migrate to alternative e-commerce platforms, settle all payments on items bought and delivered, and try to minimize disruption to your business.

In order to ensure that all your earnings are disbursed to you in full prior to May 31, we will cut off buying activity on May 6, 2013. This will ensure that all orders have sufficient time to be completed and delivered to your customers before the end of the month.

If you have a Trust Badge, please contact our customer support team and we will ensure that you receive a pro-rated refund for the remaining time on your subscription.

If my team can be of any assistance to you during this transition, we will do our best to help.

Respectfully yours,

Jack Madrid
Multiply Country Manager – Philippines

Thursday, April 25, 2013

The App Revolution Has Begun

The App Revolution Has Begun
Realizing that more and more people are and will be using Internet connected mobile devices to do both work and play, and that these devices are already playing an integral part of our lives, AppLabs Digital Studios Inc. was founded by Azhar Khan and Ian Atienza. After several meetings, it was agreed upon that the common goals of a company should be based first on good intentions. The company must make sure all its people will benefit first, and that any partnership must be solidly based on integrity, positivity and focus. Both passionate men agreed, founded and started what is now AppLabs Digital Studios Inc.
AppLabs Digital Studios is a fast-growing, specialist mobile and web applications development team offering a full suite of end-to-end services across a multitude of industries and markets.
The company is also proud to offer their own products that will be available on several carefully chosen distribution channels. Whether it is for Android, iOS, BlackBerry or the Web, AppLabs Digital Studios is ready to work with you and be with you in reaching your highest potentials and targets. 
Within a short period of time, AppLabs has successfully established subsidiaries and strong partnerships to further our global impact. The aggressive expansion brought forth the acquisition of several divisions to accommodate the large demand in the Philippines.
Experienced business consultant Eddie Beull joined the company early in 2013, and he currently holds Corporate Communications Director position. Lea Dolorfino, meanwhile, became a Corporate Relations Director through her hard work, significant contributions to the company, and years of experience in the communications field. She currently holds the distinction as the youngest executive officer in AppLabs Digital Studios.
Applabs was incorporated in Hong Kong because it is one of the world’s most reliable and efficient financial centres, has no exchange control and has a sound common law legal system and communications network. They offer services like Mobile App Development, Web Design and Development, App Testing and Digital Marketing
Only profits which have a source in Hong Kong are taxable there. Profits source elsewhere are not subject to Hong Kong Profits tax. Consequently, if a Hong Kong Company is trading or business activities are based outside Hong Kong, no taxation will be levied. Hong Kong Companies with a Hong Kong source of income currently only pay 16.5% tax on profits.
Their list of satisfied clients served includes TV 5, University of the Philippines, Department of Health, Intercast Japan, Rockwell Land, and Media Contacts. They have also teamed up with notable companies to better handle our business and engage in corporate social responsibility activities: MyPhone, Infochat, Batibot, WWF Philippines, SM Cyberzone, Wave 89.1 FM and HVMO-Collab.
To know more about Applabs, please visit or like their Facebook fan page

IRON MAN 3: Undeniably Entertaining

IRON MAN 3: Undeniably Entertaining
I was invited to the movie screening of Iron Man 3 earlier today. I must admit I was really excited that even if I was expecting to be invited by another sponsor, I readily accepted this particular invitation so I can brag to my kuya that I am one of the lucky ones who were able to watch Iron Man 3 on its first day of showing at the cinema. Ha ha ha! Joke! 

And because we live in a far away place in Quezon City we had to leave our house two hours earlier than our appointed time. But we got stuck in traffic. We decided to take a cab so we can reach Eastwood cinema on time. Much to our dismay, there are two separate cinemas at Eastwood and we happened to go to the wrong one. My bad! They ought to give us the complete details days before the actual movie date so as to avoid unnecessary confusion. But it was not the fault of the one who invited us. The sponsors should have notified him about the correct information several days beforehand.

To make the long story short, the correct place was .... tsan traan....the cinema 5 of Eastwood Mall.  Upon reaching Cinema 5, we frantically asked for the person in charge. After some time we were finally allowed inside the cinema with no tickets sigh, does it mean somebody used our slots? 
Anyway, let's move on. It is a fact that millions, if not billions, of people around the world are fans of the Iron Man movies. Just like you, I definitely expect more action in the third series of Iron Man 3!

When Tony Stark's world is torn apart by a formidable terrorist called the Mandarin, he starts an odyssey of rebuilding and retribution. Yeah, after a malevolent enemy reduces his world to rubble, Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) must rely on his instincts and ingenuity to protect those he loves as he searches for a way to avenge his losses. No one can take away innate talent.

Since our time was practically wasted trying to find the correct cinema and asking for the person in charge we were not able to see the beginning of the movie ( sob!) but according to some of my friends, the movie  started and dragged on to establish the background for the other two characters: Aldrich Killian (played by Guy Pearce) and Maya Hansen (played by Rebecca Hall). For me, it was unnecessary to establish the two characters. In my humble opinion, the movie was too long at 129 minutes for an action movie.

Beginning on the part that we saw,  it was not as fast paced for an action superhero movie.  Its saving grace is when it started to pick-up and became more exciting at the latter part of the movie.  Tony Stark has so many troubles, so many foibles making it tailored fit with Downey. 

Flammable humans are one of the elements here as it provokes memories of vaguely cheesy werewolf eyes and Dr. Phibes-like flesh effects. Pepper's constant complaining about Tony not being there for her also strikes somewhat old-fashioned neglected mate notes but, otherwise, Black and Pearce devote themselves, more with success than not, to generating surprise, injecting wit into rote situations and outfitting the franchise with a sharp new set of attitudes, not to mention outfits.

After watching the movie, I stop and think for a while. I asked myself - What if I was in Tony Stark's shoes? He has everything! Looks, talent, fame, money, the woman he loves, everything. Looking out from the huge plate-glass window at the world. What’s really going on in his head? All the resources in the world at his disposal. A lot of people would want to trade places with Tony Stark.  Stark is a kind of guy who maintains a conscience even though he essentially has everything already. He still hold himself responsible to help mankind.

It's undeniably entertaining - and worth seeing. Overall, the story was good. Since I am an Iron Man fanatic, I had this urge to watch it again, maybe in 3D next time around.

Overall, I rate the movie 4 stars out of 5 stars. For me, it was a spectacular movie so don't you dare miss it. Please watch Iron Man 3 in theater near you!  Don't buy those pirated DVD's because, aside from killing the movie industry, those cheap DVD's don't match the pleasure of watching movies on the big screen!                         .                              

Directed by Shane Black. With Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, Guy Pearce, Don Cheadle.      

Opened across the Philippines today, April 24, 2013 in IMAX 3D, Digital 3D and regular theatres, “Iron Man 3” is presented by Marvel Studios in association with Paramount Pictures and DMG Entertainment. Marvel Studios’ President Kevin Feige is producing and Jon Favreau, Louis D’Esposito, Charles Newirth, Victoria Alonso, Stephen Broussard, Alan Fine, Stan Lee and Dan Mintz are executive producers. The film is distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. Parental guidance recommended.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Miss Philippines Earth 2013 Cultural Night

Miss Philippines Earth 2013 Cultural Night
It was a night of beauty and glamour. The beautiful Miss Philippines Earth 2013 delegates, in partnership with the SM Supermarket, Savemore Market and SM Hypermarket, battled it out in a Cultural Wear Competition the other night, April 19, 2013, at SMDC Grand Showroom, near the Mall of Asia.
CONGRATULATIONS to the winners of Miss Philippines Earth 2013 Cultural Wear Competition!

Gold - Miss Misamis Occidental.

Silver -  Miss Zamboanga City

Bronze - Miss Cebu City

I will be posting more photos tonight so watch out folks!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

March 2013 Licensure Examination for Teachers Results

March 2013 Licensure Examination for Teachers    

Congratulations to our New Teachers! Good News! In just 27 days after the last day of exam, the PRC and Board of Professional Teachers (BPT) releases today, April 18, 2013, the results of March 10, 2013 Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) also known as 'Teachers board exam'.

10,310 elementary teachers out of 37,117 examinees (27.78%) and 15,223 secondary teachers out of 38,433 examinees (39.61%) successfully passed the Licensure Examination for Teachers (L.E.T.) given last March 10, 2013 in 14 testing centers.

10,310 pass March 2013 LET- Elementary Level
15,223 pass LET March 2013 - Secondary Level (A-Z)

PRC and regional offices administered board examination in the following testing centers: 

  1. Manila
  2. Cebu
  3. Davao
  4. Baguio
  5. Iloilo
  6. Zamboanga
  7. CDO
  8. Legazpi
  9. Lucena
  10. Pagadian
  11. Tuguegarao
  12. Catarman 
  13. Hong Kong.

The Board for Professional Teachers is composed of Dr. Rosita L. Navarro, Chairman; Dr. Reynaldo T. Peña and Dr. Paz I. Lucido, Members.

The results of examination with respect to thirty three (33) examinees were withheld pending final determination of their liabilities under the rules and regulations governing licensure examination.

Registration for the issuance of Professional Identification Card (ID) and Certificate of Registration will start on April 29, 2013.

The requirements for the issuance of Certificate of Registration and Professional Identification Card (ID) are the following: 

1) duly accomplished Oath Form or Panunumpa ng Propesyonal
2) latest Community Tax Certificate (Cedula)
3) metered documentary stamp for the Oath Form
4) the Initial Registration Fee of P600 
5) Annual Registration Fee of P450 for 2013-2016.

Successful examinees should PERSONALLY register and sign in the Roster of Registered Professionals.

The dates and venues for the oathtaking ceremonies of the new successful examinees in the said examination WILL BE ANNOUNCED LATER.

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Monday, April 15, 2013

SOUTH KOREA: Psy's 'Gentleman' Video

SOUTH KOREA: Psy's 'Gentleman' Video

Opps! Psy did it again! 

Did you know that an amazing number of netizens all over the world viewed Psy's newest video "Gentleman" on YouTube?

The "Gentleman" YouTube video is Psy's follow-up to his hit "Gangnam Style" video last year. 
The South Korean singer's new video could be headed for record-shattering statistics. Compared to Justin Bieber's "Boyfriend" video which collected more than 5 million during its first day online in May 2012. Psy's newest record-breaker video racked up an unbelievable 22 million YouTube hits within the first 24 hours of its debut.

Psy's "Gentleman" video now has almost 63 million views.  That means in YouTube,  Psy is officially more popular than Justin Bieber.

Psy is no stranger to topping YouTube records, as "Gangnam Style" is currently the most-watched video of all time on the site with 1.53 billion hits.


Sunday, April 14, 2013

THAILAND: Wat Pho Traditional Thai Massage

THAILAND: Wat Pho Traditional Thai Massage

The Temple of the Reclining Buddha is also known as the birthplace of Traditional Thai Massage. You should not miss their massage!
Traditional Thai massage is one of the branches of Traditional Thai Medicine and is recognized by the government of Thailand.
If you go around Bangkok or other parts of Thailand, you will see licenses displayed in plaques on the wall of massage shops. Most of said shops only employ licensed masseuses that have earned a certificate from Wat Pho or one of its official branches. It is important that those who perform Traditional Thai Massage know what they are doing because many of the techniques can be dangerous if not executed properly.
In case you want to learn the art of Thai Traditional massage, you can enrol at the Thai Traditional Massage School of Wat Pho or in other schools around Bangkok or other parts of Thailand like Chang Mai . 
The Thai Traditional Massage classes in Wat Pho are open to anyone, including foreign tourists. Traditional Thai massage and medicine is taught at the Traditional Medical Practitioners Association Center, an open air hall outside the temple. 

The basic General Thai Massage course takes 30 hours spread over 5 consecutive days with a fee of 9,500 Thai Baht. So that's around 6 hours a day for 5 consecutive days. 

In any case, don't you dare miss to see the grandeur of WAT PHO in your lifetime.

The massage school at Wat Pho is the most prestigious in the country, and many foreigners take the 120-hour course to be certified in the art of Traditional Thai Massage.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

THAILAND : Wat Pho (Temple of the Reclining Buddha)


Wat Pho (Thai: วัดโพธิ์, IPA: [wát pʰoː]), is my favorite among all the temples in Bangkok, Thailand. Wat Pho is also known as the Temple of the Reclining Buddha. The Reclining Buddha's feet is made of mother of Pearls and visitors are not allowed to touch it.
Wat Pho is a Buddhist temple in Phra Nakhon district, Bangkok, Thailand. It is located in the Rattanakosin district directly adjacent to the Grand Palace. Wat Pho is named after a monastery in India where Gautama Buddha is believed to have lived.

Known also as the Temple of the Reclining Buddha, its official name is Wat Phra Chettuphon Wimon Mangkhlaram Ratchaworamahawihan (Thai: วัดพระเชตุพนวิมลมังคลารามราชวรมหาวิหาร;IPA: [wát pʰráʔ tɕʰêttupʰon wíʔmon maŋkʰlaːraːm râːttɕʰawɔːráʔmahǎːwíʔhǎːn]). Hope you remember that name! 

The Buddha statue at Wat Pho is reclining because he is at peace and has attained Nirvana (enlightenment). They said that he is awaiting for heaven in this pose that's why he was reclining. 

The beautiful back view of the giant reclining Buddha at Wat Po.
Reclining Buddha statue at Wat Pho
Buddha experiencing Nirvana

Thursday, April 11, 2013

THAILAND: Wat Arun (Temple of Dawn)

THAILAND: Wat Arun (Temple of Dawn)

When you visit Bangkok, Thailand, don't you dare miss one of the most recognizable landmarks in Bangkok, Thailand -The Wat Arun (วัดอรุณ), known locally as Wat Chaeng. It is situated on the west (Thonburi) bank of the Chao Phraya River, the side opposite the bank where the Grand Palace, Wat Phrakaew (Emerald Buddha Temple), Wat Pho (Temple of the Reclining Buddha) are located.

It is otherwise known as the Temple of Dawn because the belief is that after fighting his way out of Ayutthaya, which was besieged by a Burmese Army at that time, King Taksin the Great (King of Thonburi kingdom) arrived at this temple just as dawn was breaking. He later had this temple renovated and renamed as Wat Chaeng (the Temple of Dawn).

Although known as the Temple of Dawn, it is also stunning at sunset especially when lit up at night just like in the pictures above.  It has an imposing spire over 70 metres high, beautifully decorated with tiny pieces of coloured glass and Chinese porcelain placed delicately into intricate patterns.  I was so amazed at the beautiful gleaming golden temple that I can't stop myself from taking photos.

Up close with the help of zoom lens you could see that the temple is decorated with intricate mosaic patterns, intricate designs and carvings on the walls.

Operating Hours: 08:00 a.m. to 05:30 p.m.
Location: Located on the west side of Chao Praya River (opposite Tha Thien Pier)

Photography by Cha Sy

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

BORACAY: Nestea Ice Tea Beach Party on April 18-21, 2013

BORACAY: Nestea Ice Tea Beach Party on April 18-21, 2013

NESTEA ICE TEA: Ang Gaan Ang Sarap in Boracay!

Celebrate summer with Nestea RTD. Turn up the heat, turn on the fun, and share the summer goodness with everyone!

Summertime, and the living is easy, and nowhere is summer living easier than in the Philippines. With PAGASA predicting that the heat can go up to 35˚C, it’s now the time to look for the hottest things to cool you down for the season.
Plan a trip with friends and family – with numerous holidays and long weekends coming up, now is the perfect time to take advantage without dipping into your bank of leaves.
Explore new activities. Be adventurous and go for a hike, camp in the forest, climb a mountain, or better yet, learn a new skill. Because summer time is family time, it’s the chance to bond and catch up with the whole family, while recharging your brain cells too.
Start exercising. It’s never too late to get a beach-ready body, especially in a tropical country. Look for fun activities that will keep you interested, and update them regularly. This lowers your chances of getting bored, and increases your body’s resistance as well.
Lastly, find creative ways to cool down. There could be nothing else cooler than having a refreshing drink right at your hand. Escape the scorching heat with Nestea Ready-To-Drink, the ultimate summer companion this summer. Why fear the heat when you can enjoy the heat with Nestea Ready-To-Drink iced tea to give you that instant, refreshed feeling you’ll love.
The convenient and classic iced tea bottled up in our memories is back. Taste the mouthwateringly cool Nestea Ready-To-Drink with variants that contain an extra delight you can bring when you’re on the go. It comes in three exciting flavors, Lemon, Lemon Ice, and Apple. Be among the first to enjoy the splash of Nestea Ready-To-Drink at its re-launch at Nestea Beach, Boracay.
The 16th Nestea Beach from April 18-21, and combine all these tips in one exciting go. Come with friends and family to bare your beach bod and catch the country’s hottest bands, celebrities, and international DJs partying from sun up to sun down to celebrate this summer’s theme: Ang Sarap, Ang Gaan. Expect exciting activities and prizes as you celebrate the season of the sun, sea, sand and skin.
In addition, watch the intense spikes of the country’s greatest collegiate volleyball teams as they face the finals of Nestea Beach Volley to be held at Crystal Sand Resort, Boracay this April 19 to 21.
So what are you waiting for? Bring the whole barkada with you, and don’t forget your ultimate summer companion, Nestea Ready-to-Drink, Plunge Anywhere, especially at the beach.
For more information, visit their Facebook page at

Monday, April 8, 2013

10 ways to travel cheap in Europe

10 ways to travel cheap in Europe

Some people may consider travelling Europe an unobtainable dream, but there are actually many ways to travel cheaply in Europe. Europe is very accustomed to college students, backpackers, and young professionals who want to experience its charm on a budget. Many European nations are currently experiencing times of economic difficulty, which can make it even easier than ever to get a good deal.

1. Stay At Hostels

Hostels may not be a luxury experience, bu they're cheap, affordable, and allow you to share experiences with your fellow travelers. Hostels are usually packed with young travelers who are on a strict budget, and they range from a dormitory-style shared room to a large room with multiple beds and mats. Checking in earlier will get you preferred beds.

2. Couch Surf

Couch surfing is extremely popular today and involves connecting you to local hosts who are willing to allow you to stay in their home for a period of time completely for free. Couch surfing should be avoided by anyone who might be at risk of being attacked, such as a smaller person.

3. Visit Local Restaurants

Local restaurants are usually far cheaper than the restaurants that tourists frequent, and the internet makes it very easy to locate hole-in-the-wall dining opportunities that feature amazing food. Go off the beaten path for your meals and you'll find yourself saving a lot of money.

4. Use The Bus

The bus systems in Europe are usually the cheapest methods of transportation along with the metro systems in the major cities. When travelling through Europe you should concentrate on walking and using the bus as much as possible.

5. Limit Time In Major Cities

The major tourist cities in Europe such as Rome and Paris are all far more expensive than ordinary European towns. While these towns do need to be visited on a trip through Europe, you should avoid spending the bulk of your time there. There are many smaller towns with just as much history and charm.

6. Go During Off Season

Flights and activities during the summer months are usually far more expensive than those outside of the tourist season. If you want to save money while travelling in Europe it's best to go when other people are not.

7. Use Boats

The ferries in Europe are often a great way to move between port cities and many of these ferries are very inexpensive. The alternative is often using the train system or the airport, so ferries should be used when possible along with buses.

8. Travel With Friends

Travelling in a large group can make everything cheaper for everyone, especially since many tours offer discount travel rates and hotels and rented rooms can be split between all of you.

9. Buy A Tour Package

Tour packages can be a great way to get discounted flights, hotels, and tours, because tour agencies can get lower rates than most. Buying a tour package should always be done through a reputable agency because some may not save you enough money.

10. Use A School Program

Many school programs allow students to travel abroad very cheaply. These packages are cheap and can also be subsidized with educational grants and loans.

Even if you are travelling on a budget, it is always advisable to take out travel insurance cover before you depart. This small initial outlay could potentially save you a lot of money should you experience health related issues, lose your luggage or have your possessions stolen. 

Sunday, April 7, 2013

ANTIPOLO: Inside Pinto Art Museum

ANTIPOLO: Inside Pinto Art Museum



PINTO ART MUSEUM/ GALLERY is located at #1 Sierra Madre Street, Grand Heights, Antipolo City.

How to go there by car: 

  •  Take the Masinag route up to Antipolo passing by Padi's Point and Assumption Antipolo.
  •  Turn right after Banker's Village and the only overpass in that area.
  •  Turn left at the first corner after the bridge.
  •  Turn right at the Y of the road at USA 88 gas station
  •  Turn left when you see Ynares
  •  Turn right to a hill at the intersection near Chic-Boy
  •  Get inside the Grand Heights subdivision
  •  Turn right at the first corner 
  •  Voila its the Pinto Museum!
* If in doubt, ask people at the side of the street for Ynares / Grand Heights / Loremar Subdivision


  • Take the Ortigas Extension route up to Antipolo, passing by Cainta Junction, and then Tikling (via the uphill road to Antipolo).
  • Upon reaching Ynares Center, turn right to a hill at the intersection near Chic-Boy.
  • Get inside the Grand Heights subdivision
  • Turn right at the first corner 
  • Voila its the Pinto Museum!

* If in doubt, ask people at the side of the street for Ynares / Grand Heights / Loremar Subdivision

PINTO ART MUSEUM: Antipolo Weekend Getaway for only Php 150

PINTO ART MUSEUM: Antipolo Weekend Getaway for only Php 150
Let's go to Antipolo! The scorching summer heat did not stop us from having weekend discoveries. Yes, that's right! For only Php 150, you can have a weekend getaway to remember! Pinto Art Museum is said to be a gateway to art haven like no other in Antipolo city.

Not only does Pinto Art Museum house more than 800 paintings of our local artists, it is also a popular venue for prenup shoots and weddings. 
This chapel is a popular wedding venue.
Here we also saw a swimming pool but it is only for private use according to Mikee Blanco, gallery manager of Pinto Art Museum.
Pinto Art Museum happened to be our second destination last week for Nescafe's #weekenddiscoveries tour.
According to the Manager of Pinto Art Museum, this place was also the venue of the wedding reception of Julius Babao and TinTIn Bersola-Babao.

Indeed, my eyes feast on the vast array of artworks both outside and inside Pinto Museum.

Entrance Fee:

Student- Php 75 present ID

Senior- Php 120

Adult - Php 150

Pinto Art Museum is located at the Silangan Gardens, 1 Sierra Madre Heights, Grandheights, Antipolo City. It is open Tuesdays to Sundays from 9 am to 6 pm. For further details, you can call (632)697-1015 or email



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