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Today, I receive all God’s love for me. Today, I open myself to the unbounded, limitless, overflowing abundance of God’s Universe. Today, I open myself to your Blessings, healing and miracles.Today, I open myself to God’s Word so that I become more like Jesus Everyday. Today, I proclaim that I’m God’s Beloved, I’m God’s Servant, I’m God’s powerful champion, And because I am blessed, I will bless the world, In Jesus Name, Amen.

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The Great Wall of China is referred to in Mandarin as Wanli Changcheng (10,000-Li Long Wall or simply very long wall) BEIJING, CHINA- S...

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


This Mother’s Day, treat your mom like a queen, after all, she’s the Queen of the Day. Make sure she stays away from the kitchen. For at least a day or two each year (the more the better), pamper her and show her some TLC (Tender Loving Care) by not letting her wet her hands doing kitchen chores or anything tiresome. Let her dress up for the day ready to meet the entire family for lunch, dinner or merienda get-together in celebration of Mother’s Day. It’s going to be one ‘heaven’ of a reunion, where each family member gifts the light of the home with flowers, cake and, of course, the favorite family pizza Filipino homes have known for generations—3M.

For sure, 3M Pizza rings a bell to you and to your parents, uncles and aunties, and even lolos and lolas. This pizza brand has been around a long, long time—as far back as 1969, in fact. So 3M Pizza and almost every Pinoy home must really have come a long way inseparably observing traditional and modern celebrations.

Mother’s Day is one really good occasion to partake of 3M pizza because it’s the day you’ve all got to keep Mom away from cooking. It’s sufficiently gratifying to share 3M pizza with the rest of the family on this day. The new 3M pizza flavors further boost this pizza’s Pinoy image. We’ve now been been given truly Filipino flavors for us to broaden our choices. According to the top honcho behind 3M, Noel Sun, the company plans to expand their pasta and snacks line to supplement their spaghetti, lasagna and pizzadog. All are truly Pinoy na Pinoy to the palate!

Surprise Mom, too, of 3M’s now beefed-up yummy offerings that include an assortment of pastas, salads and complete meal packages. One inspired Filipino dish that will surely bet your queen’s liking is the spicy Bicol Express pizza, which proved to be a big hit. The pasta line will also be expanded to include new variants that are uniquely Filipino. What about parading before her mouth-watering lasagna and crunchy fried chicken? Or stack up the meal table with an assortment of salads instead—for health! Mom will be surprised to learn that 3M is now not just a pizza parlor but one that serves an assortment of yummy treats for meals or snacks. There’s a wide array of sumptuous food to choose from. Drop by at 3M closest to home and in a jiffy, drive home with pizzas, pastas, salads, fried chickens, etc. etc. etc.–enough to feed the whole family.

“Currently, 3M, which has been around since 1969, has 44 outlets of which four are company outlets, the rest, dealers,” Sun said.

We all practically grew up with 3M as the only pizza parlor in the country. Back then it was a byword especially in middle to upper-income families. It was a Sunday bonding meal and a party fare as well. This writer and her siblings reminisce: “The times our parents brought us to parks after the Sunday mass we would usually pick up a big box of 3M pizza along the way and feast on it for that perfect family picnic.”

But if your queen seems bored staying home most of the time, then sweep her off her feet and drive around town with her, showing the latest gig places, and when she’s hungry, take her to the surprise of her life by treating her to 3M pizza. She’d really get the surprise of her life to see how 3M has ‘changed’ image to keep up with the times and how its menu today is a far cry from yesterday’s. Watch Mom’s face as she’d likely exclaim: “Transformed!” Uh-huh, 3M pizza has indeed transformed but the elements that came with the 3M pizza that Mom and Lola used to know are still very much around—and surely, Mom can discern those. Wanna bet?

Anarchy on the rise: Axe set to host metro’s sexiest cops and robbers game

Every man’s dream will be fulfilled because the Axe Anarchy Raid is here! Axe is set to hold country’s sexiest cops and robbers game with Anarchy Raid.

Axe pumps up the pleasure of the predator-and-prey pursuit with the Axe Anarchy Raid, the metro’s hottest game of cops-and-robbers that features 100 of the Philippines’ sexiest ladies chasing a hundred ordinary guys for a two million peso cash prize, to be held on June 9, 2012 at Eastwood Plaza, Libis, Quezon City Philippines. For the man’s man, only a few things on earth can prove as exciting as the thrill of the hunt.

The Axe Anarchy Raid is open to all men of legal age who are bold enough to be part of the 100 contenders. Playing the role of robbers, the shortlisted men will be handcuffed and assigned a number. The ladies will play the role of cops and will also be assigned certain numbers each. Braving a host of wild obstacles and challenges, the “cops” must hunt down the “robber” with the same number as hers. The first pair to make a successful arrest will clinch the coveted prize in this no-losers game of fun and adrenaline-filled pursuit.

The explosive event is presented by Axe Anarchy, the first fragrance from Axe for both men and women. With its stimulating scent that fires up the senses, Axe Anarchy releases uncontrollable appeal in every hunk and babe and takes attraction to a new level.

Give in to the new order of insatiable attraction. Try out the new Axe Anarchy and join the year’s most exciting high-stakes chase. Check out for more details and watch out for updates on the list of female celebrities who will enlist in the hunt.

Meanwhile enjoy this:



"The beauty of your face and physical outlook is the mirror of your heart"

Sometimes this quote is untrue. Why? With today's level of pollution, bad genes and stress one needs a back up to remain beautiful. Facial is a popular de-stressing option.

So when I was given an invitation to try Bioessence Beauty Break Time I immediately grabbed the opportunity to have a relaxing beauty facial. 
Bioessence Beauty break time is very timely because Facial rejuvenation can effectively reduce wrinkles, treat sun spots, tighten loose skin, improve skin tone and color, remove blotchiness, plus it eliminates damaged blood vessels.
Imagine for only Php 350.00 you will received 30 minutes of facial pampering. That includes cleansing, steam, extraction of blackheads, Vitamin C Cream plus a back massage! Grab this opportunity to have the most relaxing BB (beauty break) ever!
The first thing I noticed when I entered Bioessence is the welcoming smile of the staff, the refreshing smell of peppermint essential oil and the beautiful ceiling lights. Did you noticed how I almost always insert beautiful lamps and lighting pictures on my posts? Ha ha ha! I'm such a sucker for beautiful lamps everywhere I go.
Bioessence offers a wide array of medicines that caters to every skin type. For me it`s always more pampering to have someone do the facial for you. Plus a facial increases your face value in the workplace.
 Several wall paintings welcomes guests as they ascend the stairs.
You'll feel instantly at home at Bioessence. If you happened to come early for your appointment, they have a television at the second floor to entertain you. Plus the latest issue of magazines and newspapers.

A facial basically involves cleaning the face, extracting pesky blackheads and whiteheads, treating pimples, and closing the pores with a laser treatment.
The very relaxing ambiance at Bioessence and the very light hands of the one doing my facial made me doze to dreamlandia. Yes! Facial need not be painful. Facial at Bioessence almost always has a tranquilizer effect on me unlike in other salons where I end up crying. I've been to so many dermatologists and facial salons in Metro Manila and in our province and Bioessence is one of the few facial salons that really left a good impression on me. I really really love Bioessence Facial.
After the esthetician ushered me to the room and asked me to lie down, she started cleaning my face with a cotton pads or was that a sponge? and applied a product she chose for my skin type. She then covered my eyes and take a good look at my skin through a brightly lit magnifying lamp that reveals various skin conditions. She then began exfoliation using a mechanical exfoliant. Mechanical exfoliation has a gritty texture while a steam vapor is directed at my face. Then she did an extraction. Note: Please be warned though, that an extraction can cause broken capillaries and discoloration if done on sensitive skin, or done improperly. People have different pain tolerance for extractions. Extraction can be uncomfortable, especially on thin or ruddy skin. A professional esthetician would ask you whether you like to have an extraction or not. So kindly give them a reply when they ask you.

Then she began facial massage using classic strokes like effleurage that relaxes and stimulate my skin and facial muscles at the same time. That is when I doze off to dreamlandia. He he he.

A facial mask is targeted to your skin condition and type whether dry, oily, combination, sensitive or mature. During the facial, the esthetician should stay with you in the room and give you a scalp massage or some other services. I know for a fact that they apply toners and protective creams as a final touch. But I was busy dreaming that I never felt the final touches.

She showed me what she excavated from my face after I woke up- a gazillion whiteheads. Yucks! Ha ha ha!
Anj told me that Bioessence have a Mother's Day promo that will only cost you Php 740 only. Inclusive of a cute tote bag plus a gift certificate for Facial pampering for one (1) full hour plus a special soap and facial milk cleanser. Available until May 31, 2012.

Whoa! This is such a steal because ordinarily a basic facial itself will cost you P600 plus the facial milk cleanser will cost Php 240 and the special soap Php 150 equals Php 990. That is a whooping Php 250 discount. Panalo!
With 18 years of excellent service in health and wellness and 52 branches nationwide, you can be assured Bioessence will not only make you feel good and beautiful, but will also help enhance your total well being. Call 376-7106 or 0918-8-BEAUTY for inquiries and appointments.

Travel on a shoestring would like to thank BIOESSENCE and staff plus Miss Anj for the beauty break opportunity.

Note: This is not a paid post. My story is based on my actual facial and hand paraffin treatment experience at Bioessence.



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