Some of these risk factors a person can't do anything about, like being older and having other people in the family who have had the same problems. But people do have control over some risk factors like:
- smoking
- having high blood pressure
- being overweight
- and not exercising can increase the risk of getting cardiovascular disease.

- Chest pain or discomfort that is crushing, like a heavy weight; or squeezing, like a tight band around the chest; or an ache in the centre of the chest. The pain may radiate to the neck, jaw, shoulders, arms (especially the left arm), back, abdomen, face or teeth. The pain is persistent (longer than 15 minutes), and does not ease with rest. The pain is sometimes mistaken for indigestion. Note that in some cases, heart attacks are painless.
- Profuse sweating
- Difficulty breathing
- Feeling dizzy or light-headed
- Nausea
- Pale, clammy skin
- The pulse may be fast or irregular.
- The person may suddenly collapse and lose consciousness
- Encourage the person to sit still, with knees bent to ease strain on the heart.
- Talk to him calmly and reassuringly, and loosen any tight clothing.
- Monitor any changes in condition.
- The person should take one aspirin with water (Unless he is allergic to or unable to take aspirin). Aspirin helps to prevent blood clotting
I know of a few people who are close to me who've suffered heart attacks. At least I know now of what to do in case somebody experiences this in my watch. Taking an aspirin is also a new insight for me, so thanks for sharing this!
thanks for this, my dad suffered from a heart attack twice already so any kind of chest pain alarms me :(
sure is im learning something everyday! my dad almost had his heart attck last year but for some reason the doctor said that der could be a miracle somwhere because he supposed to have his half body paralyzed so thank god my dad is healthy as!
my dad, had a left arm to neck pain before.. He died of heart attack when i was 9 :(
Thanks for sharing. This is very informative. In our family, high percentage suffered and died due to heart attack and I'm one of those who are experiencing some of the symptoms, when I'm mad and terribly stressed-out. =(
this post is very informative.
my dad died of a heart attack and the idea of a heart attack still scares me @_@
my dad was paralyzed by heart attacked and died. I was 13 years old then. He never saw my achievements. T.T
Very well-said. High-risk individuals shoul read this.
in a way, painless heart attacks are scarier because not many may suspect that a heart attack was happening. they might just dismiss all the other symptoms instead of getting medical attention.
Thanks for sharing this timely post. With an unpredictable weather were having, its better to be safe than sorry. ^_^
this post is very timely...
my husband should undergo 2D echo because he experienced somewhat a hardness in his chest last month.
thank you for sharing this informative article.
condolence Cha. Thanks for reminding us again of the importance of being healthy! Prevention is better than cure... let's spread the word.
eat healthy (more veggies than red meat), do not smoke or stop smoking and avoid being around smokers, exercise regularly like walking or biking but keep your heart rate only to a minimum. Avoid stress, help others, pray.
gosh, i'm at that age when i should start worrying about these things. makapag-exercise na nga at magstock ng aspirin.
I have heart issues. Sana alam ng family and friends ko to.
Thanks for this medical information on the signs and symptoms of heart attack. We've to be aware of these. My parents died of cardiac arrest. I didn't know reason of that onslaught.
Thanks for reviewing me! I learned this from our major subject! Good thing you share this stuff so other people may have some knowledge about it :)
I am not smoking, I don't drink, I am not overweight and I am not high blood. But I don't exercise, so i think I am still not safe for this.
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