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Today, I receive all God’s love for me. Today, I open myself to the unbounded, limitless, overflowing abundance of God’s Universe. Today, I open myself to your Blessings, healing and miracles.Today, I open myself to God’s Word so that I become more like Jesus Everyday. Today, I proclaim that I’m God’s Beloved, I’m God’s Servant, I’m God’s powerful champion, And because I am blessed, I will bless the world, In Jesus Name, Amen.

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The Great Wall of China in Mutianyu

The Great Wall of China is referred to in Mandarin as Wanli Changcheng (10,000-Li Long Wall or simply very long wall) BEIJING, CHINA- S...

Friday, March 25, 2011


The SSS ID Card is one of the many goverment ID cards that you can use for business transactions like opening a bank account or applying for a DFA passport. The SSS ID is given for free to SSS members.

The application process varies from time to time but here’s are quick steps to apply for an SSS ID. Applying for and getting an SSS ID ( Social Security System ID Card) can be easy and at the same time very tiring and frustrating. Some people get lucky why applying for an SSS ID while others are not.

Here’s how to apply for and get an SSS ID:
  •  Download the E-6 form from the SSS website. 
  •  Click on Forms at the left navigation panel. 
  • Then select E-6 from the list. 
  • Or click here for the direct link: SSS FORM E6. 
  • Print then fill up the information needed.
  • Click on Employment History at the left panel. You will be shown a list of all your employers, past and present. Copy the employer number of your company into the form.
  • Click SSS ID Clearance at the left panel. If the note says “Member Qualified for an SSS ID Card”, then you are cleared and eligible to apply for the ID. Print this page. Just click the File menu of the browser, then Print.
  • Go to the SSS Office. Tell the guard you already have an SSS number, the E-6 form and the ID Clearance and that you are applying for the ID. He should give you a priority for your picture to be taken.
  • Get in line at the SSS ID section and get your picture taken. Present two IDs from the list stated at the 2nd page of the E-6 form. If you have your company ID and an ATM card with your complete name, then you should be fine.

6. You’re done. Just wait for the SSS ID to be mailed at your home or office address. Or you can get the SSS ID at the SSS.


The main switch-off event will begin at 6PM on 26 March at the SM Mall of Asia Globe area. The event also serves as a kick-off for a planned year-long WWF climate change solutions campaign. Still, thousands of Filipino towns, cities and landmarks are expected to join the switch-off.

10 ways to spend Earth Hour 2010 

Filipinos from 1,041 cities and towns will join the world in spending Earth Hour and environmental group World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Philippines listed 10 ways to do as Filipinos turn off the lights from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Saturday.

1. Document Earth Hour celebrations in photos and videos and win gadgets such as DVD players and cell phones in the Earth Hour contest. For details, visit

2. Host an outdoor evening party with friends and family. Fire up the flashlights or candles, dine on organic food and talk about ways to reduce energy use.

3. Encourage kids to unplug their electronic gadgets to play and explore the outdoors. Play traditional Filipino games like “patintero” or spend the afternoon birdwatching.

4. Do a recyclables’ hunt. Get your flashlights and find cans, bottles and boxes that can be reused to reduce items that end up in landfills. A fun tip: reuse plastic grocery bags.

5. Green that workspace! Aside from turning off the office lights, make sure to unplug computer screens and speakers instead of leaving them on overnight. Shutting the screen and speakers down when unused can lower power consumption and electricity bills drastically.

6. Involve local leaders to set up a community "green" discussion in a public building from on March 27. Help organize attendance and ask your leaders of their plans to make your area greener.

7. Clean up your street. Grab a flashlight and walk down your house street, picking up trash and recyclables as you go. It's a great chance to do some stargazing too!

8. Unplug electrics and just chill out. Turn off the screens, shut your cell phones and just have an hour of steady time with your family.

9. Give yourself an energy makeover. Use Earth Hour as a reason to make your home more energy efficient: Replace old incandescent bulbs with energy-saver, more efficient CFL bulbs. Install power strips to turn computers and electronics on and off more easily, since appliances on standby mode consume up to 30 percent of energy.

10. Make a pledge for the planet and take a first step toward lowering your overall impact on the environment after Earth Hour. Recycle, take public transportation, unplug electronics when not in use, and spread the need to reduce our carbon footprint.

Earth Hour shouldn't end at 9:31p.m. when we turn the lights on again. It's a step towards making a personal pledge to be more environment-friendly. You’ll hit two birds with one stone by saving on both cash and carbon emissions.



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